All In One Integrated System


JG-T Type All in One Integrated System, integrating liquid-cooled energy storage converter (PCS), lithium iron phosphate liquid-cooled battery pack, battery management system (BMS), intelligent energy management system (EMS), and PACK-level hexafluoropropane fire suppression system. Ideal for industrial and commercial users facing high electricity prices, large peak-to-valley price differences, emergency backup power requirements, or power expansion needs.

Key words:

  • 589fad23-2542-4cc7-96d2-085848f55d2b.png

Product Introduction


Ultimate Safety

IP67-rated battery pack, directional fire suppression, and reserved fire water protection interface; Electrical multi-dimensional sensing and multi-level fuse protection.

Intelligent and Efficient

All in One design, rapid power response, intelligent balancing strategy, system AI warning, ensuring battery consistency throughout its lifecycle.

Flexible Deployment

Standardized interfaces for easy access, plug-and-play functionality; Modular design, multi-machine paralleling for easy expansion.

Convenient Maintenance

Real-time leakage detection and intelligent fluid replenishment, reducing on-site maintenance; Cloud-edge collaborative intelligent warning, supporting remote monitoring via mobile devices.

  • 产品描述
  • 产品参数
    • Commodity name: All In One Integrated System
    • 特点一图标: <svg class="icon" height="200" p-id="4271" t="1718937277688" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" width="200" xmlns="" icon=""><path d="M957.217391 86.372174C957.217391 86.372174 957.217391 608.211478 957.217391 608.211478 957.217391 639.510261 949.782261 670.630957 934.956522 701.573565 920.086261 732.605217 900.674783 762.568348 876.633043 791.685565 852.591304 820.758261 825.121391 848.317217 794.267826 874.273391 763.369739 900.274087 732.070957 923.425391 700.326957 943.727304 668.538435 964.073739 637.68487 980.992 607.721739 994.437565 577.758609 1007.88313 551.490783 1017.09913 528.918261 1022.130087 528.918261 1022.130087 518.233043 1024 518.233043 1024 518.233043 1024 508.438261 1022.130087 508.438261 1022.130087 485.286957 1017.09913 458.440348 1007.88313 427.853913 994.437565 397.267478 980.992 365.523478 964.073739 332.577391 943.727304 299.631304 923.425391 267.308522 900.274087 235.52 874.273391 203.776 848.317217 175.415652 820.758261 150.483478 791.685565 125.551304 762.568348 105.382957 732.605217 89.978435 701.573565 74.48487 670.630957 66.782609 639.510261 66.782609 608.211478 66.782609 608.211478 66.782609 86.372174 66.782609 86.372174 66.782609 86.372174 103.290435 80.717913 103.290435 80.717913 103.290435 80.717913 512.890435 0 512.890435 0 512.890435 0 930.504348 80.717913 930.504348 80.717913 930.504348 80.717913 957.217391 86.372174 957.217391 86.372174 957.217391 86.372174 957.217391 86.372174 957.217391 86.372174ZM513.024 75.553391C513.024 75.553391 508.082087 74.529391 508.082087 74.529391 508.082087 74.529391 156.538435 137.527652 156.538435 137.527652 156.538435 137.527652 156.538435 466.765913 156.538435 466.765913 156.538435 466.765913 513.024 466.765913 513.024 466.765913 513.024 466.765913 513.024 75.553391 513.024 75.553391 513.024 75.553391 513.024 75.553391 513.024 75.553391ZM867.461565 466.765913C867.461565 466.765913 513.024 466.765913 513.024 466.765913 513.024 466.765913 513.024 935.401739 513.024 935.401739 535.81913 929.881043 560.617739 921.466435 587.419826 910.113391 614.177391 898.760348 640.623304 885.359304 666.713043 869.865739 692.847304 854.372174 717.957565 837.186783 742.13287 818.265043 766.308174 799.343304 787.634087 778.99687 806.288696 757.314783 824.898783 735.677217 839.724522 713.149217 850.810435 689.730783 861.94087 666.35687 867.461565 642.582261 867.461565 618.496 867.461565 618.496 867.461565 466.765913 867.461565 466.765913 867.461565 466.765913 867.461565 466.765913 867.461565 466.765913Z" fill="" p-id="4272"></path></svg>
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    • 特点四图标: <svg class="icon" height="200" p-id="9174" t="1718937389332" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" width="200" xmlns="" icon=""><path d="M771.541333 111.573333c-100.245333-47.850667-223.936-30.293333-306.944 52.736-76.970667 76.949333-97.685333 188.864-62.165333 284.629334L99.136 752.234667a44.949333 44.949333 0 0 0 0 63.573333l95.338667 95.338667a44.949333 44.949333 0 0 0 63.573333 0l303.296-303.317334c21.141333 7.829333 43.072 12.928 65.237333 15.296l-97.301333 97.28c2.005333 3.690667 4.565333 7.146667 7.68 10.24l190.677333 190.698667a44.949333 44.949333 0 0 0 63.552 0l63.573334-63.573333a44.949333 44.949333 0 0 0 0-63.573334l-171.093334-171.050666a268.544 268.544 0 0 0 162.282667-77.482667c83.008-83.029333 100.586667-206.72 52.693333-306.965333l-132.16 132.16a44.949333 44.949333 0 0 1-63.552 0l-63.573333-63.552a44.949333 44.949333 0 0 1 0-63.573334l132.181333-132.138666zM97.472 195.2a22.464 22.464 0 0 0 0 31.786667l208.384 208.362666 63.573333-63.552L161.045333 163.413333a22.464 22.464 0 0 0-31.786666 0l-31.786667 31.786667z" fill="" p-id="9175"></path></svg>
    • 特点一标题: Ultimate Safety
    • 特点二标题: Intelligent and Efficient
    • 特点三标题: Flexible Deployment
    • 特点四标题: Convenient Maintenance
    • 特点一介绍: IP67-rated battery pack, directional fire suppression, and reserved fire water protection interface; Electrical multi-dimensional sensing and multi-level fuse protection.
    • 特点二介绍: All in One design, rapid power response, intelligent balancing strategy, system AI warning, ensuring battery consistency throughout its lifecycle.
    • 特点三介绍: Standardized interfaces for easy access, plug-and-play functionality; Modular design, multi-machine paralleling for easy expansion.
    • 特点四介绍: Real-time leakage detection and intelligent fluid replenishment, reducing on-site maintenance; Cloud-edge collaborative intelligent warning, supporting remote monitoring via mobile devices.

    JG-T Type All in One Integrated System, integrating liquid-cooled energy storage converter (PCS), lithium iron phosphate liquid-cooled battery pack, battery management system (BMS), intelligent energy management system (EMS), and PACK-level hexafluoropropane fire suppression system. Ideal for industrial and commercial users facing high electricity prices, large peak-to-valley price differences, emergency backup power requirements, or power expansion needs.


  • Technical Parameters

    System Parameters
    System Capacity (kWh)233
    Rated Power (kW)100
    Fire Suppression MethodPACK-level Hexafluoropropane
    Cooling MethodLiquid Cooling
    IP RatingIP54(Battery Pack IP65)
    PCS Module DC Side Parameters
    Voltage Range (Vdc)680-1000
    Maximum Charge/Discharge Current (A)162
    PCS Module AC Side Parameters
    Rated Power (kW)100
    Rated Output Voltage (Vdc)380
    Wiring MethodThree-phase Four-wire +PE
    Maximum Output Current (A)167

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