Photovoltaic-Energy Storage-Charging-Direct Current-Flexible Load System Solution


Jinguan's "Photovoltaic-Energy Storage-Charging-Direct Current-Flexible Load" microgrid system solution adopts distributed photovoltaic, electrochemical energy storage, charging piles, AC/DC distribution networks, and flexible load regulation technologies. Through the SEMS management platform, it utilizes big data, cloud computing, IoT, mobile internet, AI, and blockchain for cloud management, providing users with comprehensive new energy solutions.

Key words:

  • 295cf18b-383b-40a3-85a6-bb02e37c2454.png
  • 产品描述
  • 产品参数

Product Introduction

    • Commodity name: Photovoltaic-Energy Storage-Charging-Direct Current-Flexible Load System Solution
    • 特点一图标: <svg t="1724747992005" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1025 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="174322" width="200" height="200"><path d="M512.909414 282.827709q47.28952 0 89.122558 18.188277t72.753108 49.108348 49.108348 72.753108 18.188277 89.122558q0 48.198934-18.188277 90.031972t-49.108348 72.753108-72.753108 49.108348-89.122558 18.188277q-48.198934 0-90.031972-18.188277t-72.753108-49.108348-49.108348-72.753108-18.188277-90.031972q0-47.28952 18.188277-89.122558t49.108348-72.753108 72.753108-49.108348 90.031972-18.188277zM967.616341 454.706927q23.64476 0 40.468917 16.824156t16.824156 40.468917-16.824156 40.468917-40.468917 16.824156l-107.310835 0q-7.275311 43.651865-24.099467 82.301954t-42.287744 72.298401l80.937833 70.024867q16.369449 16.369449 16.369449 40.01421t-16.369449 40.01421q-16.369449 17.278863-40.01421 17.278863t-40.01421-17.278863l-70.934281-80.028419q-68.206039 51.83659-154.600355 65.477798l0 108.220249q0 23.64476-16.369449 40.01421t-40.01421 16.369449-40.468917-16.369449-16.824156-40.01421l0-108.220249q-86.394316-13.641208-154.600355-65.477798l-70.024867 80.028419q-17.278863 17.278863-40.468917 17.278863t-40.468917-17.278863q-16.369449-16.369449-16.369449-40.01421t16.369449-40.01421l80.937833-70.024867q-50.927176-68.206039-66.387211-154.600355l-107.310835 0q-23.64476 0-40.468917-16.824156t-16.824156-40.468917 16.824156-40.468917 40.468917-16.824156l107.310835 0q15.460036-86.394316 66.387211-154.600355l-80.937833-70.024867q-16.369449-16.369449-16.369449-40.01421t16.369449-40.01421q17.278863-17.278863 40.468917-17.278863t40.468917 17.278863l70.024867 80.937833q33.648313-25.463588 72.298401-42.287744t82.301954-24.099467l0-108.220249q0-23.64476 16.824156-40.01421t40.468917-16.369449 40.01421 16.369449 16.369449 40.01421l0 108.220249q43.651865 7.275311 82.301954 24.099467t72.298401 42.287744l70.934281-80.937833q16.369449-17.278863 40.01421-17.278863t40.01421 17.278863q16.369449 16.369449 16.369449 40.01421t-16.369449 40.01421l-80.937833 70.024867q25.463588 33.648313 42.287744 72.298401t24.099467 82.301954l107.310835 0zM512.909414 795.737123q58.202487 0 110.039076-22.280639t90.486679-60.930728 60.930728-90.031972 22.280639-110.493783q0-58.202487-22.280639-110.039076t-60.930728-90.486679-90.486679-60.930728-110.039076-22.280639q-59.111901 0-110.94849 22.280639t-90.031972 60.930728-60.476021 90.486679-22.280639 110.039076q0 59.111901 22.280639 110.493783t60.476021 90.031972 90.031972 60.930728 110.94849 22.280639z" p-id="174323"></path></svg>
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    • 特点三图标: <svg t="1724748052852" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="177551" width="200" height="200"><path d="M595 190.25c1.33 0 2.67 0.81 4.53 0.81v-31.23c0-52.85-43-95.83-95.56-95.83H305.05a95.7 95.7 0 0 0-95.57 95.83v31c1.07 0 1.87-0.54 2.94-0.54zM280.28 517.37h230.38c80.6 0 145.74-65.4 145.74-146s-65.14-146-145.74-146H280.28a146 146 0 0 0 0 292z m171.78-243a24.71 24.71 0 0 1 2.67 2.4c-13.62 26.44-27.23 52.59-41.91 81.15 13.34 4.27 26.16 8.28 42.17 13.34-41.64 31-80.88 60.07-120.39 89.17a17.58 17.58 0 0 1-2.4-2.13c13.61-26.43 27.23-52.85 41.91-81.15-13.62-4.27-26.16-8-42.18-13.09 41.38-30.94 80.89-60.32 120.13-89.68zM865.5 263.21H857v-50.44h-12.32v50.44h-59.26v-50.44h-12.29v50.44h-1.86A31.29 31.29 0 0 0 740 294.44v33.37c0 12 7.74 20.56 17.89 25.88h119.62c10.68-4.78 19.49-13.34 19.49-25.88v-33.37a31.51 31.51 0 0 0-31.5-31.23z" p-id="177552"></path><path d="M771.35 382.76a16.45 16.45 0 0 0 16.54 16.55h15.73v307.82H599.39V551.78c-1.61 0-2.94 0.8-4.54 0.8H212.32c-1.07 0-1.61-0.53-2.67-0.53v218.08a95.81 95.81 0 0 0 38.26 76.7h-64.32a56.59 56.59 0 1 0 0 113.17H607.5a56.59 56.59 0 0 0 0-113.17H561a95.84 95.84 0 0 0 38.39-76.7v-39h228.26V399.31h24.85a16.46 16.46 0 0 0 16.55-16.55v-17.09h-97.7z" p-id="177553"></path></svg>
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    • 特点五图标: <svg t="1724748108596" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="180137" width="200" height="200"><path d="M307.906207 153.6h153.246896V614.4H307.906207v153.6H205.85931V614.4H52.965517v-459.034483h152.893793V0h102.046897z m510.234483 256H971.034483v460.8h-152.893793V1024h-102.046897v-153.6h-153.246896v-459.034483h153.246896v-155.365517h102.046897z" fill="" p-id="180138"></path></svg>
    • 特点一标题: "Photovoltaic" - Distributed Photovoltaic Power Generation
    • 特点二标题: "Energy Storage" - Electrochemical Energy Storage System
    • 特点三标题: "Charging" - Charging Piles for Electric Vehicles
    • 特点四标题: "Direct" - Low-Voltage DC Distribution Network
    • 特点五标题: "Flexible" - Flexible Load Regulation
    • 特点一介绍: Distributed photovoltaic is installed on the roofs of industrial and commercial factories,primarily for self-consumption with excess electricity stored.Based on current cost prices and electricity tariffs,the investment can be recovered in approximately 5
    • 特点二介绍: Distributed photovoltaic is installed on the roofs of industrial and commercial factories, primarily for self-consumption with excess electricity stored.
    • 特点三介绍: Based on users' electric vehicle charging needs and transformer capacity, AC/DC charging piles are configured. Photovoltaic or energy storage systems are utilized to supply power for charging, reducing travel costs.
    • 特点四介绍: Traditional AC distribution networks are partially converted to low-voltage DC distribution networks, reducing AC-DC conversion energy losses during photovoltaic. It supports grid-connected and off-grid operation, improving energy utilization efficiency.
    • 特点五介绍: Utilizing the Company's SEMS Smart Energy Management System platform, the power load is transformed from rigid to flexible, enabling users to consume electricity on demand, improving energy efficiency ratios, and reducing electricity costs.

    Jinguan's "Photovoltaic-Energy Storage-Charging-Direct Current-Flexible Load" microgrid system solution adopts distributed photovoltaic, electrochemical energy storage, charging piles, AC/DC distribution networks, and flexible load regulation technologies. Through the SEMS management platform, it utilizes big data, cloud computing, IoT, mobile internet, AI, and blockchain for cloud management, providing users with comprehensive new energy solutions.

  • Technical Parameters

    Input Voltage220V±15%
    Rated Output Power7kW
    Charging Cable Length3.5 m
    IP RatingIP65
    Dimensions (mm)L151*W96*H240
    Maximum Output Current32A
    Operating Temperature-30℃-50℃
    Installation Methodwall-mounted or stand-alone
    Startup MethodPlug and charge / Scan code to start / Swipe card to start
    Protection Functionsovertemperature、Leakage、Overvoltage、Undervoltage

Product Features

"Photovoltaic" - Distributed Photovoltaic Power Generation

Distributed photovoltaic is installed on the roofs of industrial and commercial factories,primarily for self-consumption with excess electricity stored.Based on current cost prices and electricity tariffs,the investment can be recovered in approximately 5

"Energy Storage" - Electrochemical Energy Storage System

Distributed photovoltaic is installed on the roofs of industrial and commercial factories, primarily for self-consumption with excess electricity stored.

"Charging" - Charging Piles for Electric Vehicles

Based on users' electric vehicle charging needs and transformer capacity, AC/DC charging piles are configured. Photovoltaic or energy storage systems are utilized to supply power for charging, reducing travel costs.

"Direct" - Low-Voltage DC Distribution Network

Traditional AC distribution networks are partially converted to low-voltage DC distribution networks, reducing AC-DC conversion energy losses during photovoltaic. It supports grid-connected and off-grid operation, improving energy utilization efficiency.

"Flexible" - Flexible Load Regulation

Utilizing the Company's SEMS Smart Energy Management System platform, the power load is transformed from rigid to flexible, enabling users to consume electricity on demand, improving energy efficiency ratios, and reducing electricity costs.

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