EMU Lightning Arrester

The high-speed railway uses a gapless metal oxide lightning arrester, primarily applied in high-speed railway systems. The high-speed rail lightning arrester exhibits excellent nonlinear volt-ampere characteristics, presenting a high-resistance insulation state under normal operating voltage. When subjected to lightning or switching overvoltage surges, it enters a low-resistance state, rapidly discharging surge currents into the ground, protecting parallel electrical equipment from damage and ensuring insulation safety.

Key words:

  • 7b2d45b7-195e-4e6d-807e-cb4a8adf679d.png
  • 产品描述
  • 产品参数

Product Introduction

    • Commodity name: EMU Lightning Arrester
    • 特点一图标: <svg t="1724747104173" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="126912" width="200" height="200"><path d="M172.22 856.23v86.04h680v-86.04h-680z m637.32-473.02c0-166.23-133.31-300.95-297.4-300.95s-297.4 134.9-297.4 300.95v386.98h594.8V383.21zM443.21 604.32l42.51-163.4-79.77-21.42 175.12-172.07-42.69 163.4 80.82 21.95-175.99 171.54z" p-id="126913"></path></svg>
    • 特点二图标: <svg t="1724747156860" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="128064" width="200" height="200"><path d="M194.6 411.3c71.4 0.3 129.5-54.8 129.9-123.3-0.3-33.2-14.2-64.8-38.3-87.5-24.8-23.3-57.6-36.1-91.5-35.9-34.1-0.3-66.9 12.5-91.7 35.9-24.2 22.7-38.1 54.3-38.4 87.5 0.3 68.4 58.5 123.6 130 123.3z m-0.1-205.6c47.8 0 86.5 36.8 86.5 82.3 0 45.4-38.7 82.2-86.5 82.2-22.9 0.1-44.8-8.5-61.1-23.9-16.1-15.1-25.4-36.2-25.6-58.3 0-45.5 38.9-82.3 86.7-82.3z m0.1 205.6c-0.1 0-0.1 0 0 0z m760.2-81.6h0.1c-9.3-12.6-26.9-15.8-40-7.2l-137.4 88.8L685.6 308v-76.2l88.3-99L912.1 222c13.2 8.4 30.7 5.3 40.1-7.2 4.3-6 5.9-13.4 4.4-20.6-1.5-7.2-5.9-13.5-12.2-17.5l-167.1-108c-13.2-8.5-30.7-5.4-40.2 7.2-3.7 5.3-5.3 11.8-4.4 18.2l-87.1 98h-51.9c-20.6-0.4-37.7 15.9-38.3 36.5v-9.2H367.8v1.4c8.9 17.3 14.3 41 14.3 67.1 0 26.1-5.5 49.8-14.4 67.1v1.4h187.6v-9.2c0 20.2 17.3 36.6 38.3 36.6h53.8c8.4 0 16.6-2.8 23.4-7.9l65.7 73.8c-0.8 6.4 0.8 12.8 4.5 18.1 9 12.5 26.9 15.7 40 7.2l166.1-107.4c6.2-3.9 10.6-10.2 12.1-17.4 1.5-7.1-0.1-14.5-4.4-20.5z m-760.3-0.7c23.9 0 43.3-18.3 43.3-41s-19.4-41.1-43.3-41.1-43.3 18.4-43.3 41h0.1c0 22.8 19.3 41.1 43.2 41.1zM741 811c-10.9-10.4-25.5-16.1-40.5-16H555.4l-231-383.7c-63.6 65.3-125.7 63-158.9 54.8-33-8.1-72-41.1-72-41.1l231.1 370H179.5c-31.6 0-57.2 24.6-57.2 54.8v54.8c0 30.3 25.6 54.8 57.2 54.8h521.1c15.1 0 29.7-5.8 40.5-16 10.7-10.1 16.7-24.1 16.8-38.8v-54.8c-0.1-14.7-6.2-28.7-16.9-38.8z" fill="" p-id="128065"></path></svg>
    • 特点三图标: <svg t="1724747212409" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1208 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="130985" width="200" height="200"><path d="M1167.197696 1024H358.478866a45.719388 45.719388 0 0 1-45.719388-45.719388v-3.314656L858.077482 49.776984c14.91595-28.574618 31.032035-40.004465 55.549057-40.004465h248.942069a46.176582 46.176582 0 0 1 45.719388 45.719389v963.821855h-40.575957l-0.571492 4.629088z m-205.737247-538.460096l-1.600179 3.200357a164.189753 164.189753 0 0 0-22.345351 22.231053l-190.821297 275.687911a35.775421 35.775421 0 0 0 9.601072 49.205492 38.232838 38.232838 0 0 0 21.145217 6.343565 38.232838 38.232838 0 0 0 31.660676-16.573278l11.829892-15.601741 184.877776-267.858467a35.603974 35.603974 0 0 0 0.685791-42.404732 32.975109 32.975109 0 0 0-29.946199-15.887488 80.523273 80.523273 0 0 0-14.915951 1.657328z m51.434312 161.160844a87.552629 87.552629 0 0 0-15.544592 11.429847s-101.954236 164.075455-100.296909 172.876437a34.289541 34.289541 0 0 0 14.573055 21.65956 36.289764 36.289764 0 0 0 22.859695 8.172341 36.175466 36.175466 0 0 0 26.1172-11.029803l-0.800089 3.828999c15.258846-18.116308 86.409644-139.901328 96.125014-152.074115a34.289541 34.289541 0 0 0-2.000223-41.0903 38.461435 38.461435 0 0 0-30.574841-14.9731 39.261525 39.261525 0 0 0-10.401161 1.200134z m-184.249135-200.822413a37.604197 37.604197 0 0 0-15.030249 10.344011c-12.001339 14.115861-110.583771 158.989173-122.642259 173.105034a33.775198 33.775198 0 0 0-5.372029 25.488559 33.775198 33.775198 0 0 0 14.573055 21.65956 36.63266 36.63266 0 0 0 22.859695 8.172341 36.689809 36.689809 0 0 0 26.1172-11.029802v3.7147c16.516129-19.773635 114.298471-167.047215 122.527961-177.562674a34.289541 34.289541 0 0 0-1.428731-41.261748 40.004465 40.004465 0 0 0-30.574841-14.23016 40.404509 40.404509 0 0 0-10.915504 1.543029z m-520.058043 363.411988a40.34736 40.34736 0 0 1-4.800535-2.971761l-173.219333-97.1537a41.376046 41.376046 0 0 1-15.65889-55.949101 41.376046 41.376046 0 0 1 35.889719-20.91662 40.690256 40.690256 0 0 1 20.116531 5.314878l141.101463 79.666035 316.321018-560.976895-140.015627-79.323139a41.0903 41.0903 0 0 1-15.601741-55.891952 41.033151 41.033151 0 0 1 35.775421-20.91662 41.261748 41.261748 0 0 1 20.059382 5.257729l177.162629 100.296909a41.204599 41.204599 0 0 1 15.544592 55.949101c-2.857462 5.029133-13.48722 21.259516-356.668378 632.35629a41.376046 41.376046 0 0 1-35.718272 20.745172 41.490345 41.490345 0 0 1-20.287979-5.543476zM49.015756 459.594151a41.0903 41.0903 0 0 1 2.114522-32.060721 41.147449 41.147449 0 0 1 26.231499-18.6878l159.21777-45.090747L21.526974 228.425494a41.204599 41.204599 0 0 1-16.744726-55.263311 40.976002 40.976002 0 0 1 36.404063-21.945306 40.747405 40.747405 0 0 1 19.087845 4.686237l0.800089 0.457194 212.080812 133.672062-43.547717-153.902891a37.489898 37.489898 0 0 1 28.574618-50.748521 55.949101 55.949101 0 0 1 14.630204-2.22882 36.404063 36.404063 0 0 1 36.061168 30.57484l71.265096 251.456636a45.319344 45.319344 0 0 1 0.857239 24.68847 34.289541 34.289541 0 0 1-18.516353 22.4025 40.976002 40.976002 0 0 1-23.488335 7.772296L100.050023 487.711575a53.720281 53.720281 0 0 1-14.630204 2.114522 36.461212 36.461212 0 0 1-36.118317-30.231946z" p-id="130986"></path></svg>
    • 特点四图标: <svg t="1724747256275" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="134665" width="200" height="200"><path d="M1007.519313 16.480687a55.30186 55.30186 0 0 0-78.741058 0l-155.65093 155.284692-44.314736-41.018598a91.925608 91.925608 0 0 0-117.195994 0l-80.938483 73.247497a67.387697 67.387697 0 0 0-25.270387 54.203147v68.120172a22.340486 22.340486 0 0 1-8.057224 17.945636l-164.806867 151.988555a26.002861 26.002861 0 0 1-19.410587 7.690987h-73.247496a83.502146 83.502146 0 0 0-58.597997 23.072962l-83.868384 73.247496a70.683834 70.683834 0 0 0 0 108.040057l71.416309 65.922747-152.354792 154.552218a55.30186 55.30186 0 0 0 0 78.741058 55.30186 55.30186 0 0 0 78.741058 0l156.383405-156.383405 44.680973 41.018598a79.473534 79.473534 0 0 0 58.597997 23.439199 91.559371 91.559371 0 0 0 61.527897-23.439199l80.938484-73.247496a68.486409 68.486409 0 0 0 24.904148-54.203147V695.851216a23.072961 23.072961 0 0 1 8.423463-18.311874L695.851216 527.015737a26.002861 26.002861 0 0 1 19.410587-7.690987h73.247496a83.868383 83.868383 0 0 0 58.597997-23.072962l80.938484-73.247496a70.683834 70.683834 0 0 0 0-108.040057l-73.247497-65.922747 152.72103-153.819743a55.30186 55.30186 0 0 0 0-78.741058z" p-id="134666"></path></svg>
    • 特点一标题: Overvoltage Protection Characteristics
    • 特点二标题: High Mechanical Strength
    • 特点三标题: Strong Resistance to Vibration and Impact
    • 特点四标题: Stable Insulation
    • 特点一介绍: When overvoltage occurs in the power system, the lightning arrester can quickly respond, limiting the overvoltage within the tolerable range of the equipment, thereby protecting the electrical equipment and systems of the EMU train from damage.
    • 特点二介绍: It is manufactured with high-strength, corrosion-resistant materials and undergoes rigorous mechanical strength testing to ensure stability and reliability under various harsh operating conditions.
    • 特点三介绍: Through reasonable structural design and material selection, its natural frequency and damping ratio are improved, reducing the impact of vibration on the equipment and enhancing its shock resistance.
    • 特点四介绍: Rigorous control over insulation material selection, insulation structure design, and insulation performance testing ensures stable insulation performance of the EMU train lightning arrester.

    The high-speed railway uses a gapless metal oxide lightning arrester, primarily applied in high-speed railway systems. The high-speed rail lightning arrester exhibits excellent nonlinear volt-ampere characteristics, presenting a high-resistance insulation state under normal operating voltage. When subjected to lightning or switching overvoltage surges, it enters a low-resistance state, rapidly discharging surge currents into the ground, protecting parallel electrical equipment from damage and ensuring insulation safety.

  • Technical Parameters
    Volume φ(mm)205*465
    Partial Discharge(pc)≤10
    Rated Repetitive Charge Transfer Qrs(C)≥2.0
    High Current Impulse Withstand(kA)100

Product Features

Overvoltage Protection Characteristics

When overvoltage occurs in the power system, the lightning arrester can quickly respond, limiting the overvoltage within the tolerable range of the equipment, thereby protecting the electrical equipment and systems of the EMU train from damage.

High Mechanical Strength

It is manufactured with high-strength, corrosion-resistant materials and undergoes rigorous mechanical strength testing to ensure stability and reliability under various harsh operating conditions.

Strong Resistance to Vibration and Impact

Through reasonable structural design and material selection, its natural frequency and damping ratio are improved, reducing the impact of vibration on the equipment and enhancing its shock resistance.

Stable Insulation

Rigorous control over insulation material selection, insulation structure design, and insulation performance testing ensures stable insulation performance of the EMU train lightning arrester.

Related Cases

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Application Scenarios of Lightning Arresters for EMU Trains

Related Cases

Tested for 300,000 km of operation on the Beijing-Shanghai Railway

Tested for 300,000 km of operation on the Beijing-Shanghai Railway

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Application Scenarios of Lightning Arresters for EMU Trains