Glass Enamel Resistor Discs
Key words:
Product Introduction
Comprehensive Product Range
Complete Specifications
Excellent Insulation
Strong Energy Absorption Capability
- 产品描述
- 产品参数
- Commodity name: Glass Enamel Resistor Discs
- 特点一图标: <svg t="1719571830099" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="4297" width="200" height="200"><path d="M576 544h152c101.62 0 184 82.38 184 184s-82.38 184-184 184-184-82.38-184-184V576c0-17.673 14.327-32 32-32zM448 544H296c-101.62 0-184 82.38-184 184s82.38 184 184 184 184-82.38 184-184V576c0-17.673-14.327-32-32-32zM576 480h152c101.62 0 184-82.38 184-184s-82.38-184-184-184-184 82.38-184 184v152c0 17.673 14.327 32 32 32zM448 480H296c-101.62 0-184-82.38-184-184s82.38-184 184-184 184 82.38 184 184v152c0 17.673-14.327 32-32 32z" fill="" p-id="4298"></path></svg>
- 特点二图标: <svg t="1719571868069" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="6166" width="200" height="200"><path d="M24.576 1013.76l301.056-121.856-179.2-186.368L24.576 1013.76z m645.12-831.488l-487.424 487.424 179.2 179.2 487.424-487.424-179.2-179.2z m-200.704 107.52l-71.68-71.68-121.856 129.024-50.176-43.008 129.024-129.024L196.608 10.24 10.24 189.44l279.552 279.552 179.2-179.2zM124.928 210.944c-21.504-21.504-21.504-57.344 0-86.016 21.504-21.504 64.512-21.504 86.016 0 21.504 21.504 21.504 64.512 0 86.016-21.504 28.672-57.344 28.672-86.016 0zM1013.76 196.608l-179.2-179.2-129.024 129.024 179.2 179.2L1013.76 196.608zM827.392 906.24l-50.176-50.176 129.024-121.856-57.344-64.512-129.024 129.024-50.176-50.176L798.72 619.52l-57.344-57.344-179.2 186.368 265.216 265.216 179.2-186.368-50.176-50.176-129.024 129.024z" p-id="6167"></path></svg>
- 特点三图标: <svg t="1719571887994" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="7286" width="200" height="200"><path d="M181.067741 586.712636h35.587727a56.884319 56.884319 0 0 1 39.85772 16.292694l45.622212 44.808244a28.435488 28.435488 0 0 0 45.368681-7.699332l74.724886-151.224488a22.751059 22.751059 0 0 1 41.365562 1.240967l85.479932 202.958128a56.884319 56.884319 0 0 0 101.946094 5.897928l55.283072-97.836225a28.435488 28.435488 0 0 1 24.765962-14.451259h121.42794a38.276488 38.276488 0 1 0 0-76.552977H699.885293a28.435488 28.435488 0 0 0-24.859369 14.678102l-46.609647 83.865341a22.751059 22.751059 0 0 1-41.031969-2.668746l-92.445359-233.141644a56.884319 56.884319 0 0 0-105.08187-1.601247l-68.853645 159.297444a22.751059 22.751059 0 0 1-36.7086 7.325707l-12.142794-11.742482a56.884319 56.884319 0 0 0-39.550815-16.012475h-52.600982a37.749411 37.749411 0 0 0-37.736068 37.776098v0.520406a38.803566 38.803566 0 0 0 38.803566 38.269816z m-120.093567-364.670787L459.191098 13.025668a113.768639 113.768639 0 0 1 105.922526 0.10675l398.096829 209.97693a113.768639 113.768639 0 0 1 60.700626 100.625065v374.118147a113.768639 113.768639 0 0 1-60.206908 100.371535L565.714091 1010.602895a113.768639 113.768639 0 0 1-107.08343 0L60.280301 798.210751A113.768639 113.768639 0 0 1 0.046705 697.825873V322.773664a113.768639 113.768639 0 0 1 60.900782-100.731815z" p-id="7287"></path></svg>
- 特点四图标: <svg t="1719571961586" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="11770" width="200" height="200"><path d="M660.821333 74.069333v332.458667a148.821333 148.821333 0 1 1-297.642666 3.072V74.069333a486.058667 486.058667 0 1 0 634.88 467.626667v-8.021333A486.741333 486.741333 0 0 0 660.821333 74.069333z" p-id="11771"></path><path d="M512 467.114667A57.173333 57.173333 0 0 0 569.173333 409.6V58.368a57.344 57.344 0 0 0-114.517333 0V409.6A57.173333 57.173333 0 0 0 512 467.114667z" p-id="11772"></path></svg>
- 特点一标题: Comprehensive Product Range
- 特点二标题: Complete Specifications
- 特点三标题: Excellent Insulation
- 特点四标题: Strong Energy Absorption Capability
- 特点一介绍: Covering various types of resistor discs for AC power distribution, AC power stations, AC transmission lines, high gradients, and more
- 特点二介绍: Product diameter D32mm-D105mm,Height 3mm-36mm.
- 特点三介绍: Rigorously selected materials and strict adherence to technical requirements ensure strength and precision.
- 特点四介绍: The inorganic glass enamel coating on the side of the glass enamel resistor discs significantly enhances the product's energy tolerance and aging resistance.
Our resistor discs feature advanced technology and a long production history. The inorganic glass enamel coating on the side of the glass enamel resistor discs significantly enhances the product's energy tolerance and aging resistance.
Technical Parameters
Please refer to the table below for the standard models and basic performance parameters of Jinguan Electric Co. Ltd.'s glass enamel resistor discs. We can also provide custom sizes or higher performance for the same sizes upon request.
Testing is conducted in accordance with the new national standard GB11032-2020
S/N Type Model Diameter
( mm )
DC U1mA(kV) Maximum Leakage Current
Nominal Discharge Current (kA) Maximum Voltage Ratio 8/20μs Repetitive Charge Transfer Value Qrs(C) 4/10μs (kA) 1 AC Distribution Type Resistor Discs Φ32*26 32±0.7 25.5±0.5 6.45±0.4 10 5 1.74 0.3 65 Φ32*34 32+0.7 34±0.5 8.45±0.5 10 5 1.74 0.3 65 Φ35*26 35±0.7 25.5±0.5 6.45±0.4 10 5 1.70 0.3 65 Φ35*34 35±0.7 34±0.5 8.45±0.5 10 5 1.70 0.3 65 Φ42*31 42±0.7 30.6±0.5 7.65±0.5 12 10 1.78 0.4 100 Φ42*34 42±0.7 34±0.5 8.45±0.5 12 10 1.78 0.4 100 Φ48*26 47±0.7 25.5±0.5 6.45±0.4 15 10 1.75 0.6 100 Φ48*34 47±0.7 34±0.5 8.45±0.5 15 10 1.75 0.6 100 Φ52*28 52±0.7 28±0.5 6.45±0.4 15 10 1.73 0.8 100 S/N Type Model Diameter
( mm )
DC U1mA(kV) Maximum Leakage Current
Nominal Discharge Current
Maximum Voltage Ratio 2ms Repetitive Charge Transfer Qrs(C) 4/10μs (kA) 2 AC Power Station Type Resistor Discs Φ42*31 42±0.7 30.6±0.5 7.65±0.5 12 10 1.78 1.2 100 Φ42*34 42±0.7 34±0.5 8.45±0.5 12 10 1.78 1.2 100 Φ48*26 47±0.7 25.5±0.5 6.45±0.4 15 10 1.75 1.6 100 Φ48*34 47±0.7 34±0.5 8.45±0.5 15 10 1.75 1.6 100 Φ52*28 52±0.7 28±0.5 6.45±0.5 15 10 1.73 2.0 100 Φ75*28 75±1 28±0.5 6.45±0.4 20 20 1.74 4.0 100 Φ75*36 75±1 36±0.5 8.28±0.5 20 20 1.74 4.0 100 Φ105*22.5 105±1 22.5±0.5 5.0±0.4 20 20 1.68 6.0 100 S/N Type Model Diameter
( mm )
DC U1mA(kV) Maximum Leakage Current
(μA)Nominal Discharge Current
Maximum Voltage Ratio 200μs Repetitive Charge Transfer Qrs(C) 4/10μs (kA) 3 AC Transmission Line Type Resistor Discs Φ35*28 35±0.7 27.5±0.5 6.45±0.4 10 5 1.70 0.3 65 Φ35*36 35±0.7 36.0±0.5 8.45±0.5 10 5 1.70 0.3 65 Φ42*28 42±0.7 27.5±0.5 6.45±0.4 12 10 1.78 0.4 100 Φ42*36 42±0.7 36.0±0.5 8.45±0.5 12 10 1.78 0.4 100 Φ48*28 47±0.7 27.5±0.5 6.45±0.4 15 10 1.75 0.6 100 Φ48*36 47±0.7 36.0±0.5 8.45±0.5 15 10 1.75 0.6 100 Φ52*28 52±0.7 28.0+0.5 6.45±0.5 15 10 1.73 1.0 100 Φ75*28 75±1 28±0.5 6.45±0.4 20 20 1.74 2.4 100 Φ75*36 75±1 36±0.5 8.28±0.5 20 20 1.74 2.4 100 S/N Type Model Diameter
( mm )
DC U1mA(kV) Maximum Leakage Current
(μA)Nominal Discharge Current
Maximum Voltage Ratio 2ms Repetitive Charge Transfer Qrs(C) 4/10μs (kA) 4 High-Gradient AC Resistor Discs Φ71*22.5 71±0.7 22.5±0.5 7.95±0.5 15 10 1.65 1.6 100 Φ83*22.5 83±0.7 22.5±0.5 7.95±0.5 15 10 1.61 2.4 100 Φ105*22.5 105±1 22.5±0.5 7.65±0.5 20 20 1.65 4.0 100 S/N Type Model Diameter
( mm )
DC U1mA(kV) Maximum Leakage Current
Nominal Discharge Current
Maximum Voltage Ratio 2ms Repetitive Charge Transfer Qrs(C) 4/10μs (kA) 5 DC Resistor Discs Φ75*28 75±1 28±0.5 6.45±0.4 20 20 1.74 4.0 100 Φ75*36 75±1 36±0.5 8.28±0.5 20 20 1.74 4.0 100 Φ105*22.5 105±1 22.5±0.5 5.0±0.4 20 20 1.68 6.0 100
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