Low-voltage Switchgear
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Product Introduction
- Commodity name: Low-voltage Switchgear
- 特点一图标: <svg t="1724747897203" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" p-id="170177" width="200" height="200"><path d="M649.402937 160.470764L512 23.067827 374.601177 160.470764H129.854252v468.018469c0 227.571558 382.145748 382.141633 382.145748 382.141632s382.141633-198.940459 382.141633-382.141632V160.470764h-244.738696zM509.267742 663.638247l-27.322577 27.326692-27.322578-27.326692-152.430355-152.430355 54.64927-54.64927 125.103663 96.299741 200.244865-171.440943 54.64927 54.645155-227.571558 227.575672z" p-id="170178"></path></svg>
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- 特点一标题: Reliability
- 特点二标题: Safety
- 特点三标题: Versatility
- 特点四标题: Intelligence
- 特点一介绍: The low-voltage switchgear is designed reasonably, manufactured with excellence, and uses high-quality materials, ensuring good reliability.
- 特点二介绍: The low-voltage switchgear typically employs protective measures to safeguard operators from potential electric shocks and protect equipment from contamination and damage.
- 特点三介绍: The low-voltage switchgear boasts multiple functions, including electrical energy distribution and protection, as well as electrical energy quality control, metering, and management.
- 特点四介绍: With the continuous advancement of technology, low-voltage switchgear is becoming increasingly intelligent.
Low-voltage switchgear is equipment for switching, controlling, and protecting electrical usage. Featuring advanced and compact structures, superior performance, and safety and reliability, it is suitable for single-bus or sectionalized busbar power systems and can adapt to frequent operations of critical load switching. The product is widely used in distribution engineering for power plants, industrial and mining facilities, enterprises and institutions, residential communities, commercial centers, data centers, and secondary substations in power systems.
Technical Parameters Rated Insulation Voltage(V) 690 Rated Operating Voltage(V) 400 Rated Current(A) ≤4000 Rated Peak Withstand Current(0.1s)(KA) 105 Rated Short-Time Withstand Current(1s)(KA) 50
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