Cable Branch Box

The cable branch box is an important branching and connecting device in the power system, featuring high safety, reliable quality, high-density configuration, and easy installation and maintenance. It is widely used in industrial and civil buildings, hubs of urban power trunk networks, and other occasions.

Key words:

  • 0c7d8c2e-5c55-408b-b864-88a5bdc93f9f.png
  • 产品描述
  • 产品参数

Product Introduction

    • Commodity name: Cable Branch Box
    • 特点一图标: <svg t="1724747607403" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="152936" width="200" height="200"><path d="M845.824 220.34432c-10.07616-9.29792-23.26528-13.94688-36.39296-13.94688-1.55648 0-2.33472 0-3.87072 0-0.77824 0-9.29792 0.77824-22.46656 0.77824-22.46656 0-65.04448-1.55648-106.06592-11.61216-52.67456-12.36992-113.84832-70.4512-131.66592-82.08384-8.4992-5.4272-19.3536-8.51968-29.42976-8.51968-10.05568 0-20.11136 3.09248-29.40928 8.51968-2.31424 1.55648-65.80224 67.35872-127.75424 82.08384-41.04192 10.05568-85.17632 11.61216-106.84416 11.61216-13.94688 0-22.44608-0.77824-23.22432-0.77824-0.77824 0-2.33472 0-3.09248 0-13.94688 0-26.33728 4.64896-36.39296 13.94688-10.83392 9.29792-17.01888 23.22432-17.01888 37.1712l0 128.512c0 473.88672 321.31072 535.01952 334.47936 537.35424 3.09248 0.77824 6.20544 0.77824 9.27744 0.77824 3.09248 0 6.22592 0 9.3184-0.77824 13.9264-2.33472 336.7936-63.488 336.7936-537.35424l0-128.512C862.06464 243.56864 855.83872 229.64224 845.824 220.34432L845.824 220.34432zM726.56896 403.8656 504.34048 619.08992c-1.55648 2.33472-3.09248 4.66944-5.4272 6.22592-6.20544 6.18496-14.70464 9.27744-23.22432 9.27744-8.54016 0-17.03936-3.09248-24.00256-9.27744-1.55648-1.55648-3.85024-3.87072-4.64896-6.22592l-119.23456-115.36384c-12.3904-12.3904-12.3904-31.72352 0-44.11392 12.36992-12.41088 33.28-12.41088 45.6704 0l102.21568 98.32448 205.18912-198.20544c13.18912-12.3904 33.28-12.3904 45.6704 0C739.71712 371.34336 739.71712 391.4752 726.56896 403.8656L726.56896 403.8656z" p-id="152937"></path></svg>
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    • 特点一标题: High Safety
    • 特点二标题: Reliable Quality
    • 特点三标题: High-Density Configuration
    • 特点四标题: Easy Installation and Maintenance
    • 特点一介绍: The cable branch box has excellent fireproof and anti-corrosion properties, ensuring the safety of the power system.
    • 特点二介绍: The internal components of the cable branch box adopt reliable brands and undergo strict quality inspections to ensure the performance and quality of the equipment.
    • 特点三介绍: Various functional units can be configured according to different needs, improving the utilization rate of the equipment.
    • 特点四介绍: The cable branch box has a compact structure, a small footprint, and its internal components are easy to disassemble and replace, facilitating the installation and maintenance of the equipment.

    The cable branch box is an important branching and connecting device in the power system, featuring high safety, reliable quality, high-density configuration, and easy installation and maintenance. It is widely used in industrial and civil buildings, hubs of urban power trunk networks, and other occasions.

  • Technical Parameters
    Rated Operating Voltage(V)400
    Rated Insulation Voltage(V)690
    Rated Current(A)400、630
    Rated Short-Time Withstand Current(KA)10
    Rated Frequency(Hz)50


Product Features

High Safety

The cable branch box has excellent fireproof and anti-corrosion properties, ensuring the safety of the power system.

Reliable Quality

The internal components of the cable branch box adopt reliable brands and undergo strict quality inspections to ensure the performance and quality of the equipment.

High-Density Configuration

Various functional units can be configured according to different needs, improving the utilization rate of the equipment.

Easy Installation and Maintenance

The cable branch box has a compact structure, a small footprint, and its internal components are easy to disassemble and replace, facilitating the installation and maintenance of the equipment.

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