JP Cabinet
Key words:
- 产品描述
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Product Introduction
- Commodity name: JP Cabinet
- 特点一图标: <svg t="1724746259327" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="76721" width="200" height="200"><path d="M896 418.304v-71.68h-81.92V208.896h-138.24V128h-71.68v80.384h-55.808V128h-71.68v80.384H420.864V128h-71.68v80.384h-20.992L211.456 325.632v25.6H128v71.68h83.456v55.808H128v71.68h83.456v55.808H128v71.68h83.456v133.12h137.216V896h71.68v-84.992H476.16V896h71.68v-84.992h55.808V896h71.68v-84.992h30.72l108.032-108.032v-29.696h81.92v-71.68h-81.92v-55.808h81.92v-71.68h-81.92V418.304h81.92z m-212.48 262.144H342.016V339.456h341.504v340.992z" p-id="76722"></path><path d="M413.696 411.136h198.144V609.28H413.696z" p-id="76723"></path></svg>
- 特点二图标: <svg t="1724746281344" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="77814" width="200" height="200"><path d="M649.402937 160.470764L512 23.067827 374.601177 160.470764H129.854252v468.018469c0 227.571558 382.145748 382.141633 382.145748 382.141632s382.141633-198.940459 382.141633-382.141632V160.470764h-244.738696zM509.267742 663.638247l-27.322577 27.326692-27.322578-27.326692-152.430355-152.430355 54.64927-54.64927 125.103663 96.299741 200.244865-171.440943 54.64927 54.645155-227.571558 227.575672z" p-id="77815"></path></svg>
- 特点三图标: <svg t="1724746299268" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="78888" width="200" height="200"><path d="M512 282.487c-170.375 0-308.97 138.595-308.97 308.97 0 170.375 138.595 308.97 308.97 308.97 170.378 0 308.97-138.595 308.97-308.97 0-170.375-138.592-308.97-308.97-308.97z m53.85 339.338l-0.177-0.353c-10.594 18.888-30.544 31.78-53.67 31.78-34.075 0-61.794-27.722-61.794-61.797 0-21.54 10.946-40.429 27.542-51.375l-0.177-0.356 203.744-116.526L565.85 621.825z m281.585-303.391l39.089-39.089c6.906-6.903 6.906-18.078 0-24.964l-37.445-37.448c-6.901-6.903-18.079-6.903-24.965 0l-39.088 39.09c-63.755-51.96-142.552-86.141-228.887-94.88V88.276h52.966c19.51 0 35.31-15.801 35.31-35.31V35.31c0-19.51-15.8-35.311-35.31-35.311h-194.21c-19.51 0-35.31 15.802-35.31 35.31v17.656c0 19.51 15.8 35.311 35.31 35.311h52.966v72.847c-86.335 8.758-165.13 42.94-228.884 94.88l-39.089-39.089c-6.904-6.904-18.078-6.904-24.964 0l-37.448 37.448c-6.904 6.904-6.904 18.079 0 24.964l39.089 39.089c-60.683 74.472-97.123 169.474-97.123 273.023C79.442 830.32 273.122 1024 512 1024c238.876 0 432.556-193.68 432.556-432.56 0-103.532-36.42-198.534-97.12-273.006zM512 935.738c-189.796 0-344.281-154.485-344.281-344.283 0-189.796 154.485-344.281 344.281-344.281 189.793 0 344.278 154.485 344.278 344.28 0 189.8-154.485 344.284-344.278 344.284z" p-id="78889"></path></svg>
- 特点四图标: <svg t="1724746316322" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="79969" width="200" height="200"><path d="M938.957 537.6v34.304a11.878 11.878 0 0 1-11.879 11.878H775.68L495.002 897.126 176.998 542.72a233.472 233.472 0 0 1-30.464-259.02 205.414 205.414 0 0 1 70.042-77.927 168.96 168.96 0 0 1 96.666-29.133 180.378 180.378 0 0 1 134.912 65.485l45.568 49.152 45.158-50.637a183.245 183.245 0 0 1 138.547-64 178.74 178.74 0 0 1 98.253 28.467 201.114 201.114 0 0 1 69.734 77.978 235.52 235.52 0 0 1 25.908 107.776 241.408 241.408 0 0 1-13.108 77.875H750.131l-32.768-89.037a25.6 25.6 0 0 0-49.1 0l-30.72 89.395a11.878 11.878 0 0 1-22.375 0l-43.776-119.09a25.6 25.6 0 0 0-49.152 0l-41.318 118.732H353.28a11.93 11.93 0 0 0-11.878 11.878v34.407a11.93 11.93 0 0 0 11.878 11.878h144.333a26.573 26.573 0 0 0 24.627-18.483l13.005-36.557a11.878 11.878 0 0 1 22.374 0l43.162 122.317a25.958 25.958 0 0 0 32.358 17.1 25.6 25.6 0 0 0 17.101-17.1l32.717-95.898a11.878 11.878 0 0 1 22.17-0.87l5.12 11.622a27.238 27.238 0 0 0 15.001 16.692h202.035a11.878 11.878 0 0 1 11.674 11.878z" p-id="79970"></path></svg>
- 特点一标题: Circuit Safety Assurance
- 特点二标题: High Reliability
- 特点三标题: High Equipment Efficiency
- 特点四标题: Long Circuit Life
- 特点一介绍: The distribution cabinet promptly protects against circuit faults such as overload, short circuit, undervoltage, and overvoltage, fundamentally ensuring circuit safety.
- 特点二介绍: The electrical components and wiring of the distribution cabinet undergo professional design and manufacturing, typically ensuring high reliability and stability.
- 特点三介绍: Rational power distribution and control improve equipment operational efficiency, reduce equipment failure rates, and lower production costs.
- 特点四介绍: By effectively reducing instantaneous current damage to circuits during current control, the distribution cabinet extends circuit life.
The JP cabinet (integrated distribution box) is a high-quality comprehensive distribution device that integrates power distribution, metering, protection, control, and reactive power compensation. With features like multi-functional integration, safety and reliability, and intelligent control, it provides stable and efficient power support for various scenarios. Widely used in grid renovation projects, industrial parks, street lighting, residential quarters, high-rise building power centers, and other public facilities.
Technical Parameters Rated Frequency(Hz) 50 Rated Current (A) 63~1250 Rated Short-Time Withstand Current (kA) 10~50 Rated Voltage (V) 400 Rated Insulation Voltage (V) 690、1000
Product Features
Circuit Safety Assurance
High Reliability
High Equipment Efficiency
Long Circuit Life
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