Venus Series 7kW AC Charging Pile
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Product Introduction
High Reliability
Convenient and Simple
Comprehensive Protection
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- 产品描述
- 产品参数
- Commodity name: Venus Series 7kW AC Charging Pile
- 特点一图标: <svg t="1724744360591" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="5473" width="200" height="200"><path d="M608 192a96 96 0 1 1-192 0 96 96 0 0 1 192 0z m64 0a159.744 159.744 0 0 1-61.2864 125.952l179.7632 359.4752a160.0512 160.0512 0 0 1 201.5232 154.5728 160 160 0 0 1-316.8256 32H348.8256a160.0512 160.0512 0 1 1-115.2512-186.5728L413.184 317.952a160 160 0 1 1 258.7136-125.952zM348.7744 800h326.4c7.68-37.888 28.7744-70.912 58.112-93.9008L553.472 346.5728a160.1536 160.1536 0 0 1-83.0464 0L290.816 706.048c29.2864 23.04 50.3296 56.0128 58.0096 93.9008z m-60.7744 32a96 96 0 1 1-192 0 96 96 0 0 1 192 0z m544 96a96 96 0 1 0 0-192 96 96 0 0 0 0 192z" fill="" p-id="5474"></path></svg>
- 特点二图标: <svg t="1724744410461" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="6644" width="200" height="200"><path d="M172.8 128C147.2 115.2 121.6 160 128 192l121.6 281.6c0 6.4 6.4 6.4 12.8 12.8L512 512 268.8 544C262.4 544 256 550.4 249.6 550.4L128 864c-12.8 25.6 19.2 44.8 44.8 32l691.2-364.8c12.8-6.4 12.8-25.6 0-32L172.8 128z" p-id="6645"></path></svg>
- 特点三图标: <svg t="1724744435721" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="7756" width="200" height="200"><path d="M533.333333 128c120.874667 79.530667 241.792 143.189333 362.666667 190.72 0 312.149333-120.874667 518.784-362.666667 619.946667C291.541333 837.504 170.666667 630.869333 170.666667 318.72 291.541333 271.189333 412.458667 207.573333 533.333333 128z m102.869334 287.402667l-136.277334 143.274666-68.053333-71.68-68.138667 71.68 136.234667 143.274667 204.373333-214.912-68.138666-71.68z" fill="" p-id="7757"></path></svg>
- 特点四图标: <svg t="1724744513081" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="12513" width="200" height="200"><path d="M143.04 392.96l-4.16 4.928c-21.504 28.672-9.92 72.32 24.128 84.352L425.152 574.08 334.336 956.8c-12.928 54.464 52.032 90.88 87.68 49.088l460.8-538.752 3.968-5.248c19.264-28.864 7.104-70.336-25.792-81.92L588.8 284.608V53.952c0-48-55.168-72-87.424-38.08l-358.4 377.152z" fill="" p-id="12514"></path></svg>
- 特点一标题: High Reliability
- 特点二标题: Convenient and Simple
- 特点三标题: Comprehensive Protection
- 特点四标题: View at Any Time
- 特点一介绍: High product reliability. It is sturdy and durable, with a long service life, focusing on county-level charging.
- 特点二介绍: WeChat QR code scanning, plug-and-play, convenient and simple, fashionable appearance, can be wall-mounted or stand-alone installed.
- 特点三介绍: Comprehensive protection, including overvoltage protection, undervoltage protection, overcurrent protection, lightning protection, short-circuit protection, grounding protection, and emergency stop protection.
- 特点四介绍: Monitoring platform, remote monitoring of real-time device information, and checking the device operation status at any time.
The 7kW AC charging pile complies with national standard for AC charging and is equipped with multiple safety protections such as emergency stop buttons, overvoltage and overcurrent protection, and lightning protection. It is equipped with a 32A charging gun, enabling plug-and-play charging without the need for a separate charger. In addition, the product can be connected to a monitoring platform to monitor the device status in real-time, supporting wall-mounted or stand-alone installation, providing users with an efficient and safe charging experience.
Product Introduction
Technical Parameters
Input Voltage 220V±15% Rated Output Power 7kW Charging Cable Length 3.5 m IP Rating IP65 Weight 3.3kg Dimensions (mm) L151*W96*H240 Maximum Output Current 32A Operating Temperature -30℃-50℃ Installation Method wall-mounted or stand-alone Startup Method Plug and charge/Scan code to start/Card swipe to start Protection Functions Over temperature, leakage, over voltage, under voltage
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