Extreme Leap Series 60kW/80kW DC Integrated Charging Pile


The 60kW/80kW Aurora Series DC Charging Pile boasts various safety features such as automatic power-off upon full charge/no-load conditions and overload protection. It is compatible with both new and old vehicle models, equipped with AC contactors to reduce power consumption, and a DC watt-hour meter for precise measurement. Users can self-recharge, enjoy flexible billing modes, and maintain real-time control over device status through remote monitoring, ensuring safe and convenient charging.

Key words:

Key words:

  • 1527350d-a4d7-4cc0-bf4a-beb670f0c448.png

Product Introduction


Intelligent and Efficient

Full Vehicle Type Compatibility, Dual-Gun Simultaneous Charging Design, High-Efficiency Power Modules.

Safe and Reliable

36 safety protections, dynamic password management, and real-time status detection.

Sturdy and Durable

High protection level of IP55 rating, intelligent fan control, suitable for various harsh climatic conditions.

Convenience in Use

Multiple startup modes, remote software upgrades, and seamless switching across multiple platforms.

  • 产品描述
  • 产品参数
    • Commodity name: Extreme Leap Series 60kW/80kW DC Integrated Charging Pile
    • 特点一图标: <svg t="1724744725227" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="19371" width="200" height="200"><path d="M728.013 755.488c8.207-29.727 20.945-41.281 14.879-165.411 213.742-212.052 215.62-506.094 215.537-524.060 0.287-0.285 0.425-0.427 0.425-0.427s-0.178-0.004-0.434-0.004v-0.438c0 0-0.14 0.149-0.427 0.433-17.978-0.084-312.009 1.789-524.067 215.538-124.133-6.081-135.69 6.668-165.417 14.879-54.282 14.983-188.182 158.417-201.311 208.305-13.131 49.892 40.266 57.77 59.515 59.516 19.259 1.755 123.408-9.625 132.171 4.382 0 0 16.626 11.379 17.497 42.011 0.868 30.272 15.417 72.493 37.716 98.821-0.022 0.032-0.055 0.053-0.083 0.073 0.163 0.132 0.323 0.269 0.48 0.397 0.132 0.153 0.269 0.327 0.402 0.477 0.019-0.019 0.044-0.050 0.075-0.073 26.336 22.314 68.558 36.848 98.821 37.716 30.634 0.874 42.018 17.507 42.018 17.507 14 8.75 2.625 112.901 4.371 132.161 1.75 19.255 9.63 72.643 59.515 59.513 49.891-13.127 193.327-147.030 208.314-201.313v0zM580.532 443.468c-40.603-40.599-40.603-106.433 0-147.033 40.609-40.609 106.438-40.609 147.036 0 40.609 40.599 40.609 106.433 0 147.033-40.598 40.604-106.426 40.604-147.036 0v0zM339.377 792.274c-32.434-4.643-55.764-18.702-72.558-35.967-17.259-16.791-31.322-40.129-35.971-72.563-4.726-28.531-21.193-41.826-39.389-39.387-18.19 2.446-78.277 67.783-82.144 90.91-3.875 23.12 29.733 12.275 47.163 28.099 17.429 15.835-2.172 62.926-14.966 88.235-6.543 12.939-10.455 26.845-4.297 34.3 7.461 6.166 21.372 2.258 34.31-4.285 25.307-12.787 72.394-32.385 88.227-14.966 15.827 17.433 4.99 51.033 28.119 47.159 23.119-3.868 88.454-63.951 90.891-82.143 2.452-18.197-10.837-34.663-39.382-39.392v0zM339.377 792.274z" p-id="19372"></path></svg>
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    • 特点一标题: Intelligent and Efficient
    • 特点二标题: Safe and Reliable
    • 特点三标题: Sturdy and Durable
    • 特点四标题: Convenience in Use
    • 特点一介绍: Full Vehicle Type Compatibility, Dual-Gun Simultaneous Charging Design, High-Efficiency Power Modules.
    • 特点二介绍: 36 safety protections, dynamic password management, and real-time status detection.
    • 特点三介绍: High protection level of IP55 rating, intelligent fan control, suitable for various harsh climatic conditions.
    • 特点四介绍: Multiple startup modes, remote software upgrades, and seamless switching across multiple platforms.

    The 60kW/80kW Aurora Series DC Charging Pile boasts various safety features such as automatic power-off upon full charge/no-load conditions and overload protection. It is compatible with both new and old vehicle models, equipped with AC contactors to reduce power consumption, and a DC watt-hour meter for precise measurement. Users can self-recharge, enjoy flexible billing modes, and maintain real-time control over device status through remote monitoring, ensuring safe and convenient charging.


  • Technical Parameters

    Input Voltage380V±15%
    Input Voltage TypeThree-phase AC (Three-phase Five-wire System)
    AC Grid Frequency50/60±10%Hz
    Output Voltage200—1000V(Continuously Adjustable)
     Input Current97A/130A
    Output currentMaximum current of single gun of 200A(Satisfies constant power output above 300V)
    Rated Output Power60kW/80kW  Meet constant power output above 300V
    Charging Strategy30kW+30kW/40kW+40kW(Automatic Power Allocation)
    Number of Charging Guns2
    Power Frequency Withstand Voltage2500VAC(1 mìn No insulation breakdown or flashover)
    Insulation Resistance≥20MΩ(Tested at 1000VDC)
    Charging Cable Length5 meters
    Human-Machine InteractionLED indicators, 8-inch high-brightness touchscreen, card reader
    Auxiliary Power Supply12V&24V
    AC ContactorSupported
    Networking Methods4G、Ethernet
    Protection Design

    Input undervoltage protection, input overvoltage protection, input phase loss protection, input overcurrent protection, input lightning protection, output overvoltage protection, output short-circuit protection, overtemperature protection, emergency stop protection, grounding protection.

    Operating Temperature-20℃—50℃
    Operating Humidity5%-95% without condensation
    Operating Altitude≤2000米(Derating required above 2,000 meters)
    IP RatingIP55(Capable of Outdoor Installation)(Rain Shelter Recommended)
    Cooling MethodAir-cooled
    Weight280±5kg(Net weight)
    Dimensions1600*500*600mm Height * Width * Depth

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