GIS Tank-Type Lightning Arresters

GIS tank-type lightning arresters employ a metal-enclosed housing with SF6 gas as the internal insulation medium. They utilize single-column or multi-column resistor disc columns in parallel as the core, covering AC voltage ratings from 110kV-500kV.

Key words:

  • bfb203f6-7e4a-40c0-838e-42c4a455f347.png
  • 产品描述
  • 产品参数

Product Introduction

    • Commodity name: GIS Tank-Type Lightning Arresters
    • 特点一图标: <svg t="1724746764214" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1260 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="106229" width="200" height="200"><path d="M288.00256 380l240 81.12a64 64 0 0 0 60.64-10.88L832.00256 253.44V124a29.12 29.12 0 0 0-28.96-29.12 30.4 30.4 0 0 0-10.72 2.08l-180 72.48a82.24 82.24 0 0 1-76.64-8L310.72256 10.56a62.4 62.4 0 0 0-85.76 16L16.00256 319.04a91.52 91.52 0 0 0-16 52.32v245.92l221.76-221.76a64 64 0 0 1 66.24-15.52z" p-id="106230"></path><path d="M540.64256 528L304.00256 448.8a64 64 0 0 0-65.6 16L0.00256 702.08v74.88A54.88 54.88 0 0 0 54.72256 832h722.56A54.88 54.88 0 0 0 832.00256 777.12v-446.4L601.28256 517.6a64 64 0 0 1-60.64 10.4z" p-id="106231"></path></svg>
    • 特点二图标: <svg t="1724746788226" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="108404" width="200" height="200"><path d="M649.402937 160.470764L512 23.067827 374.601177 160.470764H129.854252v468.018469c0 227.571558 382.145748 382.141633 382.145748 382.141632s382.141633-198.940459 382.141633-382.141632V160.470764h-244.738696zM509.267742 663.638247l-27.322577 27.326692-27.322578-27.326692-152.430355-152.430355 54.64927-54.64927 125.103663 96.299741 200.244865-171.440943 54.64927 54.645155-227.571558 227.575672z" p-id="108405"></path></svg>
    • 特点三图标: <svg t="1724746832902" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1204 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="112765" width="200" height="200"><path d="M752.941176 955.934118c-22.768941 0-42.586353-9.155765-57.825882-25.901177H511.156706a44.815059 44.815059 0 0 1-41.080471 25.901177h-202.390588a75.294118 75.294118 0 0 1-76.016941-76.137412v-69.933177H89.690353a47.405176 47.405176 0 0 1-47.164235-47.164235c0-25.901176 21.263059-47.164235 47.164235-47.164235H191.548235v-69.993412a75.294118 75.294118 0 0 1 76.077177-76.077176h202.330353c22.829176 0 42.586353 16.745412 45.598117 39.574588h162.816a45.899294 45.899294 0 0 1 45.658353-39.574588h232.749177c25.901176 0 45.598118 19.757176 45.598117 45.658353v100.412235h115.651765c25.901176 0 47.164235 21.263059 47.164235 47.164235 0 25.840941-21.323294 47.164235-47.164235 47.164235h-115.651765v69.933177a75.294118 75.294118 0 0 1-76.016941 76.077176H752.941176z m-238.832941-120.229647h161.249883v-132.336942H514.108235v132.336942zM752.941176 464.414118c-22.768941 0-42.586353-9.095529-57.825882-25.840942H511.156706a44.815059 44.815059 0 0 1-41.080471 25.901177h-202.390588a75.294118 75.294118 0 0 1-76.016941-76.077177V318.464H89.690353a47.405176 47.405176 0 0 1-47.164235-47.164235c0-25.901176 21.263059-47.164235 47.164235-47.164236H191.548235V154.142118a75.294118 75.294118 0 0 1 76.077177-76.077177h202.330353c22.829176 0 42.586353 16.745412 45.598117 39.574588h162.816a45.899294 45.899294 0 0 1 45.658353-39.574588h232.749177c25.901176 0 45.598118 19.817412 45.598117 45.658353V224.075294h115.651765c25.901176 0 47.164235 21.263059 47.164235 47.164235 0 25.901176-21.323294 47.164235-47.164235 47.164236h-115.651765v69.993411A75.294118 75.294118 0 0 1 926.418824 464.414118H752.941176zM514.108235 344.304941h161.249883V212.028235H514.108235v132.336941z" p-id="112766"></path></svg>
    • 特点四图标: <svg t="1724746853764" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="113865" width="200" height="200"><path d="M769.087769 959.810903h188.235511V1024h-188.235511z" p-id="113866"></path><path d="M959.292271 821.193958C952.991501 330.915272 704.898672 257.27502 556.042975 257.27502H107.506892L0 1024h613.537503l-76.790637-522.963931 12.995339-1.968991a152.39988 152.39988 0 0 1 121.683625 36.623227c52.375153 48.830969 78.759628 144.523918 81.122417 285.503653H689.146746v63.795298H1023.875166v-63.795298zM737.19012 197.023904a214.226189 214.226189 0 0 1-155.550266-70.883665 187.447915 187.447915 0 0 0-105.537902-59.069721C350.874143 49.349602 305.981155 113.932497 304.012165 118.264276l-53.556547-35.835631c2.362789-4.33178 66.158088-102.387517 236.278884-78.759628A250.455618 250.455618 0 0 1 624.563851 78.884462a152.39988 152.39988 0 0 0 112.626269 53.950345c98.055737 0 161.457238-111.444874 161.851035-112.626268l55.919336 31.110053c-3.544183 5.513174-81.910013 145.705312-217.770371 145.705312z" p-id="113867"></path></svg>
    • 特点一标题: Compact Structure and Small Footprint
    • 特点二标题: High Reliability
    • 特点三标题: Excellent Insulation Performance
    • 特点四标题: Strong Contamination Resistance
    • 特点一介绍: The tank-type structure and rational internal component layout result in a compact overall structure and reduced footprint.
    • 特点二介绍: High-performance resistor discs and reliable sealing structures ensure long-term stable operation in harsh environments with minimal risk of failure or performance degradation.
    • 特点三介绍: SF6 gas as the internal insulation medium and single-column or multi-column resistor disc columns in parallel offer superior insulation performance.
    • 特点四介绍: The shell material exhibits good contamination resistance, maintaining stable insulation performance in contaminated environments.

    GIS tank-type lightning arresters employ a metal-enclosed housing with SF6 gas as the internal insulation medium. They utilize single-column or multi-column resistor disc columns in parallel as the core, covering AC voltage ratings from 110kV-500kV.

  • Technical Parameters
    Voltage Rating(kV) 110-500
    Resistor Disc Gradient(V/mm) 360~400
    2ms Repetitive Charge Transfer Qrs(C) 1.6
    AC Aging Coefficient at 95% Charge Ratio <0.9
     High-Temperature Power Consumption at 190℃(W) <8


Product Features

Compact Structure and Small Footprint

The tank-type structure and rational internal component layout result in a compact overall structure and reduced footprint.

High Reliability

High-performance resistor discs and reliable sealing structures ensure long-term stable operation in harsh environments with minimal risk of failure or performance degradation.

Excellent Insulation Performance

SF6 gas as the internal insulation medium and single-column or multi-column resistor disc columns in parallel offer superior insulation performance.

Strong Contamination Resistance

The shell material exhibits good contamination resistance, maintaining stable insulation performance in contaminated environments.

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