Porcelain-housed Lightning Arrester

The porcelain-housed lightning arrester uses a porcelain bushing as the external insulation, with a single-column or multi-column resistor disc column as the core, featuring an independently sealed gas space, with voltage levels covering 10kV-1,000kV AC.

Key words:

  • 9ce8b6ba-c04d-425a-afe0-7c72feb10e81.png
  • 产品描述
  • 产品参数

Product Introduction

    • Commodity name: Porcelain-housed Lightning Arrester
    • 特点一图标: <svg t="1724746550622" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1204 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="90899" width="200" height="200"><path d="M752.941176 955.934118c-22.768941 0-42.586353-9.155765-57.825882-25.901177H511.156706a44.815059 44.815059 0 0 1-41.080471 25.901177h-202.390588a75.294118 75.294118 0 0 1-76.016941-76.137412v-69.933177H89.690353a47.405176 47.405176 0 0 1-47.164235-47.164235c0-25.901176 21.263059-47.164235 47.164235-47.164235H191.548235v-69.993412a75.294118 75.294118 0 0 1 76.077177-76.077176h202.330353c22.829176 0 42.586353 16.745412 45.598117 39.574588h162.816a45.899294 45.899294 0 0 1 45.658353-39.574588h232.749177c25.901176 0 45.598118 19.757176 45.598117 45.658353v100.412235h115.651765c25.901176 0 47.164235 21.263059 47.164235 47.164235 0 25.840941-21.323294 47.164235-47.164235 47.164235h-115.651765v69.933177a75.294118 75.294118 0 0 1-76.016941 76.077176H752.941176z m-238.832941-120.229647h161.249883v-132.336942H514.108235v132.336942zM752.941176 464.414118c-22.768941 0-42.586353-9.095529-57.825882-25.840942H511.156706a44.815059 44.815059 0 0 1-41.080471 25.901177h-202.390588a75.294118 75.294118 0 0 1-76.016941-76.077177V318.464H89.690353a47.405176 47.405176 0 0 1-47.164235-47.164235c0-25.901176 21.263059-47.164235 47.164235-47.164236H191.548235V154.142118a75.294118 75.294118 0 0 1 76.077177-76.077177h202.330353c22.829176 0 42.586353 16.745412 45.598117 39.574588h162.816a45.899294 45.899294 0 0 1 45.658353-39.574588h232.749177c25.901176 0 45.598118 19.817412 45.598117 45.658353V224.075294h115.651765c25.901176 0 47.164235 21.263059 47.164235 47.164235 0 25.901176-21.323294 47.164235-47.164235 47.164236h-115.651765v69.993411A75.294118 75.294118 0 0 1 926.418824 464.414118H752.941176zM514.108235 344.304941h161.249883V212.028235H514.108235v132.336941z" p-id="90900"></path></svg>
    • 特点二图标: <svg t="1724746635947" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="97573" width="200" height="200"><path d="M432.725333 125.5424h158.549334c43.690667 0 79.189333 35.498667 79.189333 79.189333v614.229334c0 43.690667-35.498667 79.189333-79.189333 79.189333h-158.549334c-43.690667 0-79.189333-35.498667-79.189333-79.189333v-614.058667c0-43.861333 35.498667-79.36 79.189333-79.36zM264.277333 303.889067a26.197333 26.197333 0 0 1 29.696 29.696v435.882666a26.197333 26.197333 0 0 1-29.696 29.696 26.197333 26.197333 0 0 1-29.696-29.696v-435.882666a26.197333 26.197333 0 0 1 29.696-29.696zM759.722667 244.497067a26.197333 26.197333 0 0 1 29.696 29.696v435.882666a26.197333 26.197333 0 0 1-29.696 29.696 26.333867 26.333867 0 0 1-29.696-29.696v-435.882666a26.197333 26.197333 0 0 1 29.696-29.696zM878.506667 244.497067a26.197333 26.197333 0 0 1 29.696 29.696v247.637333a26.197333 26.197333 0 0 1-29.696 29.696 26.197333 26.197333 0 0 1-29.696-29.696v-247.637333a26.197333 26.197333 0 0 1 29.696-29.696zM145.493333 492.1344a26.197333 26.197333 0 0 1 29.696 29.696v247.637333a26.197333 26.197333 0 0 1-29.696 29.696 26.197333 26.197333 0 0 1-29.696-29.696v-247.637333a26.197333 26.197333 0 0 1 29.696-29.696z" fill="" p-id="97574"></path></svg>
    • 特点三图标: <svg t="1724746699959" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="101009" width="200" height="200"><path d="M853.932164 349.716959l-91.221832 0c0-146.51384-111.981287-258.495127-254.702534-258.495127-142.920858 0-254.702534 111.981287-254.702534 258.495127L161.883821 349.716959C161.883821 173.860429 316.980897 0 507.808187 0 698.635478 0 853.932164 173.860429 853.932164 349.716959L853.932164 349.716959zM969.706043 499.624172c0-50.301754-40.920078-91.221832-91.221832-91.221832L147.511891 408.402339c-50.301754 0-91.221832 40.920078-91.221832 91.221832l0 433.153996c0 50.301754 40.920078 91.221832 91.221832 91.221832l730.77271 0c50.301754 0 91.221832-40.920078 91.221832-91.221832L969.506433 499.624172 969.706043 499.624172zM585.25692 838.362573c0 37.726316-30.540351 68.466277-68.466277 68.466277l-9.780897 0c-37.726316 0-68.466277-30.540351-68.466277-68.466277l0-185.637427c0-37.726316 30.540351-68.466277 68.466277-68.466277l9.780897 0c37.726316 0 68.466277 30.540351 68.466277 68.466277L585.25692 838.362573 585.25692 838.362573zM585.25692 838.362573" fill="" p-id="101010"></path></svg>
    • 特点四图标: <svg t="1724746729425" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="103792" width="200" height="200"><path d="M251.796 455.111c11.733 0 25.85-8.471 31.37-18.825l161.908-303.684c5.52-10.353 12.675-9.594 15.898 1.688l130.095 455.333c3.223 11.282 10.507 12.112 16.186 1.844l65.089-117.688c5.678-10.267 19.925-18.668 31.658-18.668h316.867C992.567 199.115 775.54 0 512 0S31.433 199.115 3.133 455.111h248.663z" p-id="103793"></path><path d="M772.204 568.889c-11.733 0-25.85 8.471-31.37 18.825l-87.83 164.738-20.073 37.65-54.006 101.295c-5.52 10.354-12.674 9.594-15.898-1.687L431.856 430.606c-3.224-11.282-10.378-12.041-15.898-1.687l-64.589 121.145c-5.52 10.353-19.636 18.825-31.369 18.825H3.133C31.433 824.885 248.46 1024 512 1024s480.567-199.115 508.867-455.111H772.204z" p-id="103794"></path></svg>
    • 特点一标题: Excellent Insulation Performance
    • 特点二标题: High Bending Strength and Shock Resistance
    • 特点三标题: Reliable Sealing
    • 特点四标题: Aging Resistance and Long Life
    • 特点一介绍: Strict material selection and production in strict accordance with technical requirements ensure the strength and accuracy of the porcelain-housed lightning arrester, further enhancing its insulation performance.
    • 特点二介绍: The internal structure is designed reasonably,using high-quality semiconductor materials, high-strength rods, and metal pressure plates to fix the resistor discs within concentric circles,making the overall structure of the lightning arrester more robust.
    • 特点三介绍: A double sealing structure is adopted, such as the core being encapsulated by silicone rubber. This design can completely solve the sealing problem of the porcelain housing and prevent internal components from moisture or contamination.
    • 特点四介绍: The porcelain-housed material has good weather resistance and aging resistance,able to withstand long-term erosion from UV rays,ozone,heat,and humidity, maintaining stable insulation performance and extending the service life of the lightning arrester.

    The porcelain-housed lightning arrester uses a porcelain bushing as the external insulation, with a single-column or multi-column resistor disc column as the core, featuring an independently sealed gas space, with voltage levels covering 10kV-1,000kV AC.

  • Technical Parameters
    4/10µs High Current(kA)100
    8/20µs Repetitive Charge Transfer Qrs (C)0.4~0.8
    2ms Repetitive Charge Transfer Qrs(C)0.8~6.0
    200µs Repetitive Charge Transfer Qrs(C)0.3~2.4
    AC Aging Coefficient at 95% Charge Ratio<0.9

Product Features

Excellent Insulation Performance

Strict material selection and production in strict accordance with technical requirements ensure the strength and accuracy of the porcelain-housed lightning arrester, further enhancing its insulation performance.

High Bending Strength and Shock Resistance

The internal structure is designed reasonably,using high-quality semiconductor materials, high-strength rods, and metal pressure plates to fix the resistor discs within concentric circles,making the overall structure of the lightning arrester more robust.

Reliable Sealing

A double sealing structure is adopted, such as the core being encapsulated by silicone rubber. This design can completely solve the sealing problem of the porcelain housing and prevent internal components from moisture or contamination.

Aging Resistance and Long Life

The porcelain-housed material has good weather resistance and aging resistance,able to withstand long-term erosion from UV rays,ozone,heat,and humidity, maintaining stable insulation performance and extending the service life of the lightning arrester.

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