Polymer-Housed Lightning Arresters

The polymer-housed lightning arresters feature a polymer and composite material housing, with a single-column or multi-column resistor disc column as the core. They cover voltage ratings from 10kV-1000kV AC and ±0.75kV-±1100kV DC.

Key words:

  • 425fcaac-351a-4353-9983-2aca4d59741c.png
  • 产品描述
  • 产品参数

Product Introduction

    • Commodity name: Polymer-Housed Lightning Arresters
    • 特点一图标: <svg class="icon" height="200" p-id="7232" t="1718778758483" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" width="200" xmlns="" icon=""><path d="M621.568 1024H403.456c-53.248-1.024-96.256-44.544-95.232-98.304v-168.96H217.6c-50.176-3.584-87.552-46.592-84.48-96.768 3.072-45.056 38.912-81.408 84.48-84.48h90.624v-51.2H217.6c-48.128-2.048-85.504-42.496-83.968-90.624-1.536-48.128 35.84-88.064 83.968-90.624h90.624V216.576c-0.512-53.248 41.984-97.28 95.232-98.304h218.112c53.248 1.024 96.256 44.544 95.232 98.304v127.488h89.6c48.128 2.048 85.504 42.496 83.968 90.624 1.536 48.128-35.84 88.064-83.968 90.624H716.8v51.2h89.6c50.176 3.584 87.552 46.592 84.48 96.768-3.072 45.056-38.912 81.408-84.48 84.48H716.8v168.96c1.024 52.736-41.984 96.256-95.232 97.28z m-403.968-420.864c-34.816 0-62.976 28.16-62.976 62.976 0 34.816 28.16 62.976 62.976 62.976h117.76v196.608c-0.512 38.4 29.696 70.144 68.096 70.656h218.112c38.4-0.512 69.12-32.256 68.096-70.656v-196.096h117.248c34.816 0 62.976-28.16 62.976-62.976 0-34.816-28.16-62.976-62.976-62.976h-117.248V497.152h117.248c33.28-1.536 58.368-29.696 57.344-62.976 1.536-33.28-24.064-60.928-57.344-62.976h-117.248V217.088c0.512-38.4-30.208-69.632-68.096-70.144H403.456c-38.4 0.512-69.12 32.256-68.096 70.656v155.136h-117.76C184.32 373.76 158.72 401.92 160.256 435.2 158.72 467.968 184.32 496.128 217.6 497.664h117.76v105.472h-117.76z" p-id="7233"></path><path d="M812.544 430.592c0 17.92-14.848 32.768-32.768 32.768H244.736c-17.92 0-32.768-14.848-32.768-32.768 0-17.92 14.848-32.768 32.768-32.768h535.552c17.92 0 32.256 14.336 32.256 32.768z m0 240.128c0 17.92-14.336 32.768-32.256 32.768H244.736c-17.92-1.536-31.232-17.408-29.696-35.328 1.536-15.872 13.824-28.672 29.696-29.696h535.552c17.408 0 32.256 13.824 32.768 31.744v0.512zM592.896 146.432H431.616V80.384C431.616 35.84 467.968 0 512.512 0c44.544 0 80.384 35.84 80.384 80.384v66.048z m-133.632-28.16h106.496v-37.888c0-29.184-24.064-53.248-53.248-53.248S459.264 51.2 459.264 80.384v37.888zM525.312 826.368l-51.712 167.936 145.92-167.936h-94.208z" p-id="7234"></path><path d="M510.976 877.056l51.712-167.936-145.92 167.936h94.208zM518.144 257.024l-33.28 108.544 94.208-108.544h-60.928z" p-id="7235"></path><path d="M508.928 289.792l33.28-108.544-93.696 108.544h60.416z" p-id="7236"></path></svg>
    • 特点二图标: <svg class="icon" height="200" p-id="9167" t="1718780575259" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" width="200" xmlns="" icon=""><path d="M117.344 639.008h-3.552a112.096 112.096 0 0 0-108.512 105.856v12.32a112.224 112.224 0 1 0 112.096-118.208zM776.64 880.576h-3.936a28.704 28.704 0 0 0-14.528 6.24l0.064-0.032-0.608 0.448a424.32 424.32 0 0 1-245.408 77.728H510.4c-91.328 0-176-28.608-245.472-77.344l1.376 0.928-0.672-0.544a29.696 29.696 0 0 0-20.192-7.84h-1.376a29.984 29.984 0 0 0-18.848 52.064l0.032 0.032c1.696 1.504 3.616 2.88 5.632 4.032l0.16 0.096 0.896 0.544C309.952 991.424 406.816 1024 511.264 1024s201.312-32.576 280.928-88.128l-1.6 1.056 0.8-0.48a36.8 36.8 0 0 0 5.408-3.808l-0.064 0.032a29.6 29.6 0 0 0 9.984-22.208 30.08 30.08 0 0 0-30.08-29.888h-0.032zM315.552 165.28l0.8-0.384a15.04 15.04 0 0 0 2.752-1.536l-0.064 0.032 0.448-0.288a29.76 29.76 0 0 0-17.856-55.104h0.096a30.016 30.016 0 0 0-9.056 2.144l0.192-0.064a27.072 27.072 0 0 0-5.504 2.88l0.096-0.064-0.896 0.544C122.144 202.272 24.16 373.28 30.368 559.936H28.896l1.536 8.832c2.24 14.368 14.528 25.216 29.344 25.216h1.856a29.76 29.76 0 0 0 28.032-28.224v-5.696a408.992 408.992 0 0 1-0.288-15.968c0-162.848 90.464-304.576 223.872-377.696l2.24-1.12zM993.184 562.72v-0.384c6.912-185.952-94.72-362.688-258.912-450.208l-0.704-0.384c-0.256-0.16-0.672-0.32-1.12-0.608l-0.576-0.288a31.136 31.136 0 0 0-10.592-2.784h-0.096c-0.64-0.064-1.376-0.064-2.144-0.064a29.76 29.76 0 0 0-27.968 19.616l-0.064 0.192a31.36 31.36 0 0 0-1.6 7.712v0.096a27.968 27.968 0 0 0 0.544 8.032l-0.032-0.192v0.192a29.952 29.952 0 0 0 11.84 18.528l0.096 0.064 4.992 3.584 0.544-0.544 0.736 0.288 0.896 0.384c135.008 74.368 224.96 215.776 224.96 378.144 0 5.76-0.128 11.488-0.352 17.184l0.032-0.832v5.344a29.76 29.76 0 0 0 27.968 28.32H963.616a29.696 29.696 0 0 0 29.312-24.96l0.032-0.16a9.152 9.152 0 0 0 0.192-1.696v-0.512a32.544 32.544 0 0 0-0.032-3.808v0.096zM511.904 224.224a112.096 112.096 0 1 0-0.128 0zM906.848 638.944h-0.288a112.032 112.032 0 1 0 0.256 0z" p-id="9168"></path><path d="M821.888 523.264l-36 10.784c-8.992 3.584-21.6-1.792-25.184-10.816s1.792-21.6 10.816-25.184l35.968-10.784c8.992-3.616 21.6 1.792 25.216 10.784 3.584 12.608-1.824 23.392-10.816 25.216z m-573.824-28.8c8.992 3.584 14.464 12.576 10.784 25.216-3.584 7.168-12.576 12.576-25.184 10.784l-36-10.816c-8.992-3.584-14.464-12.608-10.816-25.216 3.584-8.992 12.608-14.464 25.216-10.784l36 10.816z m435.328-163.712c5.408-7.2 16.192-8.992 26.848-3.584 7.232 5.408 9.024 17.984 3.616 27.008l-23.392 30.592c-5.408 7.2-16.192 8.992-26.976 3.584-7.2-5.376-8.992-19.808-1.792-26.976l21.6-30.592z m-352.672 52.192l-21.6-32.384c-5.408-7.2-3.616-19.776 3.584-26.848 8.992-5.408 21.6-3.616 26.976 5.376l23.456 30.432c3.584 7.2 1.792 21.6-5.376 26.976-8.992 5.376-21.6 3.584-26.976-3.584z m161.952-64.768V280.384c0-10.784 7.2-19.808 17.984-19.808s18.016 7.2 18.016 19.808v37.792c0 10.784-7.2 19.808-17.984 19.808-8.992-1.792-17.984-8.992-17.984-19.808z m208.672 261.088v190.688H323.552v-190.688c0-104.32 84.576-190.688 188.896-190.688s188.864 84.512 188.864 190.688z m-187.232 101.024h0.192c6.848 0 12.8-3.776 15.872-9.376l0.032-0.096 36-68.288a16.16 16.16 0 0 0-0.8-16.576l0.032 0.064a18.304 18.304 0 0 0-15.2-8.128H507.2l22.944-43.584a16.64 16.64 0 0 0-7.936-22.848l-0.096-0.032a18.496 18.496 0 0 0-24.064 7.488l-0.032 0.096-36.032 68.288a16.032 16.032 0 0 0 0.832 16.576l-0.032-0.064a18.24 18.24 0 0 0 15.168 8.128h42.976l-22.944 43.648a16.64 16.64 0 0 0 7.936 22.848l0.096 0.032a18.208 18.208 0 0 0 8.032 1.824h0.032z m-228.32 165.28v-37.856h451.552v38.688c0 20.384-16.512 36.896-36.896 36.896h-0.96 0.032-376.032c-19.808 0-37.76-17.984-37.76-37.792z" p-id="9169"></path><path d="M332.544 868.896h-1.824a27.936 27.936 0 0 1-19.712-14.304l-0.064-0.16c-7.2-10.784-3.584-21.6-3.584-23.392s5.376-5.408 8.992-3.584 7.2 5.408 5.376 8.992c0 3.616-1.792 14.464 12.608 17.984 3.584 1.792 7.2 5.408 5.376 8.992 0 3.616-3.584 5.408-7.2 5.408z" p-id="9170"></path></svg>
    • 特点三图标: <svg class="icon" height="200" p-id="26312" t="1718782298571" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" width="200" xmlns="" icon=""><path d="M826.090023 138.513225L964.603248 199.573086l-138.513225 61.059861L765.030162 399.146172l-61.05986-138.513225L565.457077 199.573086l138.513225-61.059861L765.030162 0l61.059861 138.513225zM518.604919 564.791833L762.654292 672.37123l-244.049373 107.579396L411.025522 1024l-107.579397-244.049374L59.396752 672.37123l244.049373-107.579397L411.025522 320.742459l107.579397 244.049374zM182.941995 114.041763H121.169374a26.134571 26.134571 0 0 0 0 52.269142h61.772621a26.134571 26.134571 0 0 0 0-52.269142zM232.835267 163.935035A26.182088 26.182088 0 0 0 206.700696 190.069606v61.772621a26.134571 26.134571 0 0 0 52.269142 0V190.069606a26.182088 26.182088 0 0 0-26.134571-26.134571zM232.835267 2.37587A26.229606 26.229606 0 0 0 206.700696 28.510441v61.772622a26.134571 26.134571 0 0 0 52.269142 0V28.510441A26.229606 26.229606 0 0 0 232.835267 2.37587zM344.50116 114.041763H282.728538a26.134571 26.134571 0 0 0 0 52.269142h61.772622a26.134571 26.134571 0 0 0 0-52.269142z" p-id="26313"></path></svg>
    • 特点四图标: <svg class="icon" height="200" p-id="33057" t="1718782365415" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" width="200" xmlns="" icon=""><path d="M264.149333 896a136.106667 136.106667 0 1 1 130.517334-175.061333h219.562666v-77.781334h77.824v-224l-87.253333-87.168H380.842667v77.781334h-233.386667v-233.386667h233.386667v77.781333h223.957333L730.965333 128 896 293.12l-126.165333 126.037333v224h77.824v233.386667h-233.386667v-77.781333H394.666667A136.192 136.192 0 0 1 264.106667 896z m0-194.474667a58.368 58.368 0 1 0 0 116.736 58.368 58.368 0 0 0 0-116.736z m505.685334 19.413334H692.053333v77.824h77.781334v-77.824zM730.965333 238.08l-55.04 55.04 55.04 54.954667L785.92 293.12 730.88 238.08z m-427.946666 16.085333H225.28v77.824h77.824V254.165333z" fill="" p-id="33058"></path></svg>
    • 特点一标题: Excellent Insulation Performance and Aging Resistance
    • 特点二标题: High Dielectric Strength
    • 特点三标题: Strong Contamination Resistance
    • 特点四标题: Lightweight and Compact Structure
    • 特点一介绍: Rigorously selected materials and strict adherence to technical requirements ensure strength, precision, and improved insulation performance and lifespan.
    • 特点二介绍: High-quality insulation materials maintain stable insulation under high voltage conditions.
    • 特点三介绍: The surface exhibits hydrophobicity and self-cleaning capabilities, effectively resisting contamination adherence and corrosion, maintaining cleanliness and stable insulation performance.
    • 特点四介绍: Reasonable structural design and lightweight materials result in a lighter weight and smaller volume compared to traditional porcelain-housed lightning arresters.

    The polymer-housed lightning arresters feature a polymer and composite material housing, with a single-column or multi-column resistor disc column as the core. They cover voltage ratings from 10kV-1000kV AC and ±0.75kV-±1100kV DC.

  • Technical Parameters
    4/10µs High Current(kA)100
    8/20µs Repetitive Charge Transfer Qrs (C)0.4~0.8
    2ms Repetitive Charge Transfer Qrs(C)0.8~6.0
    200µs Repetitive Charge Transfer Qrs(C)0.3~2.4
    AC Aging Coefficient at 95% Charge Ratio<0.9

Product Features

Excellent Insulation Performance and Aging Resistance

Rigorously selected materials and strict adherence to technical requirements ensure strength, precision, and improved insulation performance and lifespan.

High Dielectric Strength

High-quality insulation materials maintain stable insulation under high voltage conditions.

Strong Contamination Resistance

The surface exhibits hydrophobicity and self-cleaning capabilities, effectively resisting contamination adherence and corrosion, maintaining cleanliness and stable insulation performance.

Lightweight and Compact Structure

Reasonable structural design and lightweight materials result in a lighter weight and smaller volume compared to traditional porcelain-housed lightning arresters.

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