KYN28A-12 Armored Withdrawable Metal-enclosed Switchgear

The KYN28A-12 armored withdrawable metal-enclosed switchgear is suitable for single-bus or single-bus section systems with a rated voltage of 10kV, three-phase AC 50Hz, and a busbar capacity of 630-4,000A. It is used for receiving and distributing electrical energy, as well as protecting, monitoring, and controlling circuits.

Key words:

  • 8ec3c4f2-3686-45cd-b9fe-037ee5be619e.png

Product Introduction


Strong Protective Performance of the Cabinet Enclosure

Made from high-quality aluminum-zinc plated steel plates, it boasts precision processing, high accuracy, corrosion resistance, oxidation resistance, light weight, and high strength.

Excellent Corrosion Resistance

Electrostatic spray coating provides anti-impact, corrosion resistance, and an aesthetically pleasing appearance (colors customizable by users).

High Protection Level

Equipped with highly reliable interlocking devices, it meets "five-prevention" requirements. The enclosure protection level is IP4X, and IP2X when the handcart room door is open.

High Safety

Independent pressure relief channels are installed above the handcart room, busbar room, and cable room, ensuring the safety of operators and switchgear.

  • 产品描述
  • 产品参数
    • Commodity name: KYN28A-12 Armored Withdrawable Metal-enclosed Switchgear
    • 特点一图标: <svg t="1724745235934" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="25656" width="200" height="200"><path d="M512 0C202.752 178.688 26.624 148.48 29.184 148.48c0 231.936 36.864 451.072 165.888 623.616C271.36 873.984 398.336 956.928 512 1024c113.664-67.072 240.64-150.016 316.928-251.904C957.44 599.552 994.304 380.416 994.304 148.48c2.56 0-173.056 30.208-482.304-148.48z m270.848 746.496c-65.024 91.648-173.568 166.4-271.36 226.816-97.28-60.416-205.824-135.168-271.36-226.816-109.568-155.648-141.312-353.28-141.312-562.176 9.216 1.536 18.432 2.048 27.136 1.536 54.272 0 188.416-15.36 386.048-135.68 197.632 120.32 331.776 135.68 386.048 135.68 9.216 0 17.92-0.512 27.136-1.536 0 208.896-31.744 406.528-142.336 562.176z" fill="" p-id="25657"></path><path d="M512 84.992C323.072 197.12 192 215.04 128.512 215.552c3.584 224.256 47.104 388.096 136.192 513.536 59.392 83.456 156.672 152.064 246.784 209.408 90.624-56.832 187.904-125.952 246.784-209.408 89.088-125.44 132.608-289.28 136.192-513.536-62.976-0.512-193.536-18.432-382.464-130.56zM283.136 377.856l150.528-150.528c11.776-11.264 30.72-11.264 41.984 0.512 11.264 11.776 11.264 30.208 0 41.472L325.12 419.84c-11.776 11.264-30.72 11.264-41.984-0.512-11.264-11.264-11.264-29.696 0-41.472z m318.464-80.384L353.28 545.792c-11.776 11.264-30.72 11.264-41.984-0.512-11.264-11.776-11.264-30.208 0-41.472l248.32-248.32c11.776-11.264 30.72-11.264 41.984 0.512 11.264 11.264 11.264 30.208 0 41.472z" fill="" p-id="25658"></path></svg>
    • 特点二图标: <svg t="1724745284609" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="26751" width="200" height="200"><path d="M380.716685 52.619902C275.476881 385.879282 59.985853 526.199021 59.985853 703.269168a320.814356 320.814356 0 0 0 641.461664 0C701.447517 526.199021 414.126147 60.137031 380.716685 52.619902z m579.65416 190.433932C944.501351 169.553018 783.300698 0 769.101677 0c-14.199021 148.672104-91.87602 226.349103-76.841762 299.849918 15.869494 74.336052 88.535073 121.109299 162.871126 106.075041 74.336052-15.869494 121.109299-88.535073 106.075041-162.035889z" p-id="26752"></path></svg>
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    • 特点四图标: <svg t="1724745328323" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="28889" width="200" height="200"><path d="M554.5984 108.8l224.1024 83.968c42.8032 16.2816 77.824 66.816 77.4144 112.8448v330.0352c0 33.024-21.5552 76.2368-48.0768 96.1536l-224.1024 167.4752c-39.5264 29.7472-104.2944 29.7472-143.8208 0l-224.1024-167.424c-26.4704-19.6096-48.0768-63.1808-48.0768-96.2048V305.664c0-46.08 35.0208-96.5632 78.2336-112.8448l224.1024-83.968c23.2448-8.5504 61.1328-8.5504 84.3264 0zM509.952 682.3424l115.7632-158.3104c15.7184-21.7088 9.1136-39.1168-14.848-38.912l-52.736 0.4096-0.4096-147.2512c-0.1024-34.6112-15.5136-41.1648-34.2528-15.36l-13.5168 18.7392-115.6096 158.3104c-16.0256 21.7088-9.5744 39.1168 14.3872 38.912l52.9408-0.4096-0.3584 147.2512c-0.1024 34.6112 15.616 41.1648 34.816 15.36l13.824-18.7392z" fill="" p-id="28890"></path></svg>
    • 特点一标题: Strong Protective Performance of the Cabinet Enclosure
    • 特点二标题: Excellent Corrosion Resistance
    • 特点三标题: High Protection Level
    • 特点四标题: High Safety
    • 特点一介绍: Made from high-quality aluminum-zinc plated steel plates, it boasts precision processing, high accuracy, corrosion resistance, oxidation resistance, light weight, and high strength.
    • 特点二介绍: Electrostatic spray coating provides anti-impact, corrosion resistance, and an aesthetically pleasing appearance (colors customizable by users).
    • 特点三介绍: Equipped with highly reliable interlocking devices, it meets "five-prevention" requirements. The enclosure protection level is IP4X, and IP2X when the handcart room door is open.
    • 特点四介绍: Independent pressure relief channels are installed above the handcart room, busbar room, and cable room, ensuring the safety of operators and switchgear.

    The KYN28A-12 armored withdrawable metal-enclosed switchgear is suitable for single-bus or single-bus section systems with a rated voltage of 10kV, three-phase AC 50Hz, and a busbar capacity of 630-4,000A. It is used for receiving and distributing electrical energy, as well as protecting, monitoring, and controlling circuits.

  • Technical Parameters

    Rated Frequency(Hz)50
    Rated Voltage(kV)10
    Maximum Operating Voltage(kV)12
    Rated Current of Main Busbar(A)630、1250、1600、2000、2500、3150、4000
    Rated Current of Branch Busbar(A)630、1250、1600、2000、2500、3150、4000
    Rated Short-Time Withstand Current 4S(kA)25、31.5、40
    Rated Peak Withstand Current(kA)63、80、100
    Loss of Continuity CategoryLSC2B

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