35kV Gas-Insulated Switchgear (C-GIS)

The 35kV Gas-Insulated Switchgear (C-GIS) is a cabinet-type gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear device. Incorporating design concepts such as modularization and environmental protection, it utilizes a "circuit breaker + three-position isolating switch" as a standardized module unit and employs environmentally friendly gas as the insulating medium, offering distinct advantages in applicability, reliability, economy, and miniaturization. The product is resistant to external harsh environments such as salt spray, condensation, and pollution, and is widely used in key infrastructure construction projects with high power requirements, including high-rise buildings, highways, airports, railways, subways, and tunnels.

Key words:

  • 2441c984-0fd9-42f2-a538-1a410c7742ad.png

Product Introduction


Small Size and Minimal Footprint

The volume of the small-current KNY61 cabinet is 10.192 cubic meters, while the C-GIS volume is 3.1416 cubic meters, making the KYN61 cabinet 3.24 times larger than the C-GIS.

Excellent Waterproof Performance

With an overall protection level of IP3X and a stainless steel gas tank protection level of IP67, The equipment can operate normally under low water levels The main components within the gas tank will not be damaged even at high water levels.

Simplified Structure and Easy Maintenance

The new integrated design vacuum circuit breaker serves as the main switch, offering reliable performance and maintenance-free operation. The simplified structure reduces the number of moving parts.

Strong Sealing Capability

Both the circuit breaker and copper bars are housed within a sealed gas chamber, enabling operation under high humidity (or condensation), high altitude, and polluted environmental conditions.

  • 产品描述
  • 产品参数
    • Commodity name: 35kV Gas-Insulated Switchgear (C-GIS)
    • 特点一图标: <svg t="1724745375917" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="30765" width="200" height="200"><path d="M571.172571 453.851429a117.833143 117.833143 0 0 1-118.381714 0l-135.936-78.921143a44.763429 44.763429 0 0 1 0-77.312L452.754286 218.697143a117.833143 117.833143 0 0 1 118.381714 0l135.936 78.921143c29.622857 17.188571 29.622857 60.123429 0 77.312l-135.936 78.921143z m-139.849142 34.377142a119.149714 119.149714 0 0 1 59.172571 103.058286v157.842286c0 34.377143-37.010286 55.844571-66.56 38.656l-135.972571-78.921143a119.149714 119.149714 0 0 1-59.172572-103.058286v-157.842285c0-34.377143 36.937143-55.844571 66.56-38.656l135.972572 78.921142z m102.144 103.058286c0-42.496 22.564571-81.810286 59.209142-103.058286l135.936-78.921142c29.622857-17.188571 66.596571 4.315429 66.596572 38.656v157.842285a119.149714 119.149714 0 0 1-59.209143 103.058286l-135.936 78.921143c-29.586286 17.188571-66.56-4.278857-66.56-38.656v-157.842286z" p-id="30766"></path><path d="M154.514286 402.285714v73.142857a18.285714 18.285714 0 0 0 36.571428 0v-73.142857a18.285714 18.285714 0 1 0-36.571428 0z m0 146.285715v73.142857a18.285714 18.285714 0 0 0 36.571428 0v-73.142857a18.285714 18.285714 0 0 0-36.571428 0zM832.914286 402.285714v73.142857a18.285714 18.285714 0 0 0 36.571428 0v-73.142857a18.285714 18.285714 0 1 0-36.571428 0z m0 146.285715v73.142857a18.285714 18.285714 0 0 0 36.571428 0v-73.142857a18.285714 18.285714 0 0 0-36.571428 0z" p-id="30767"></path><path d="M428.251429 147.565714l-63.341715 36.571429a18.285714 18.285714 0 0 0 18.285715 31.670857l63.341714-36.571429a18.285714 18.285714 0 1 0-18.285714-31.670857z m-126.683429 73.142857l-63.341714 36.571429a18.285714 18.285714 0 0 0 18.285714 31.670857l63.341714-36.571428a18.285714 18.285714 0 0 0-18.285714-31.670858zM767.451429 735.085714l-63.341715 36.571429a18.285714 18.285714 0 0 0 18.285715 31.670857l63.341714-36.571429a18.285714 18.285714 0 1 0-18.285714-31.670857z m-126.683429 73.142857l-63.341714 36.571429a18.285714 18.285714 0 0 0 18.285714 31.670857l63.341714-36.571428a18.285714 18.285714 0 0 0-18.285714-31.670858z" p-id="30768"></path><path d="M238.226286 766.72l63.341714 36.571429a18.285714 18.285714 0 0 0 18.285714-31.670858l-63.341714-36.571428a18.285714 18.285714 0 1 0-18.285714 31.670857z m126.683428 73.142857l63.341715 36.571429a18.285714 18.285714 0 0 0 18.285714-31.670857l-63.341714-36.571429a18.285714 18.285714 0 0 0-18.285715 31.670857zM577.426286 179.2l63.341714 36.571429a18.285714 18.285714 0 0 0 18.285714-31.634286l-63.341714-36.571429a18.285714 18.285714 0 1 0-18.285714 31.670857z m126.683428 73.142857l63.341715 36.571429a18.285714 18.285714 0 0 0 18.285714-31.634286l-63.341714-36.571429a18.285714 18.285714 0 0 0-18.285715 31.670858z" p-id="30769"></path><path d="M462.738286 902.729143a49.261714 49.261714 0 1 0 98.523428 0 49.261714 49.261714 0 1 0-98.523428 0Z" p-id="30770"></path><path d="M462.738286 121.307429a49.261714 49.261714 0 1 0 98.523428 0 49.261714 49.261714 0 1 0-98.523428 0Z" p-id="30771"></path><path d="M801.938286 312.246857a49.261714 49.261714 0 1 0 98.523428 0 49.261714 49.261714 0 1 0-98.523428 0Z" p-id="30772"></path><path d="M801.938286 711.753143a49.261714 49.261714 0 1 0 98.523428 0 49.261714 49.261714 0 1 0-98.523428 0Z" p-id="30773"></path><path d="M123.538286 312.246857a49.261714 49.261714 0 1 0 98.523428 0 49.261714 49.261714 0 1 0-98.523428 0Z" p-id="30774"></path><path d="M123.538286 711.753143a49.261714 49.261714 0 1 0 98.523428 0 49.261714 49.261714 0 1 0-98.523428 0Z" p-id="30775"></path></svg>
    • 特点二图标: <svg t="1724745426868" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="32698" width="200" height="200"><path d="M512 320.085333l341.333333 85.333334v469.333333H170.666667v-469.333333l341.333333-85.333334z m-64 170.666667c-85.333333 95.061333-128 166.186667-128 213.333333a128 128 0 1 0 256 0c0-47.146667-42.666667-118.272-128-213.333333z m170.666667 0c-26.709333 25.301333-47.146667 48.128-61.226667 68.48 39.466667 57.045333 58.752 103.253333 61.013333 138.026667l0.213334 6.826666 6.4-0.256a85.333333 85.333333 0 0 0 78.933333-85.077333c0-31.445333-28.458667-74.112-85.333333-128zM512 189.44l426.666667 106.666667v85.333333l-426.666667-106.666667-426.666667 106.666667v-85.333333l426.666667-106.666667z" fill="" p-id="32699"></path></svg>
    • 特点三图标: <svg t="1724745465360" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1056 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="34864" width="200" height="200"><path d="M914.944 380.8c0 12.8-6.4 22.4-12.8 32-9.6 9.6-19.2 12.8-32 12.8h-176c-12.8 0-22.4-3.2-32-12.8-9.6-9.6-12.8-19.2-12.8-32v-44.8h-89.6v352h89.6v-44.8c0-12.8 6.4-22.4 12.8-32 9.6-9.6 19.2-12.8 32-12.8h176c12.8 0 22.4 3.2 32 12.8 9.6 9.6 12.8 19.2 12.8 32v176c0 12.8-6.4 22.4-12.8 32-9.6 9.6-19.2 12.8-32 12.8h-176c-12.8 0-22.4-3.2-32-12.8-9.6-9.6-12.8-19.2-12.8-32v-44.8h-131.2c-12.8 0-22.4-3.2-32-12.8s-12.8-19.2-12.8-32v-176l-131.2 128c-12.8 12.8-35.2 12.8-51.2 0l-150.4-147.2c-3.2-3.2-6.4-12.8-6.4-22.4 0-9.6 3.2-19.2 9.6-25.6l150.4-147.2c12.8-12.8 35.2-12.8 51.2 0l131.2 128V291.2c0-12.8 6.4-22.4 12.8-32 9.6-9.6 19.2-12.8 32-12.8h131.2V204.8c0-12.8 6.4-22.4 12.8-32 9.6-9.6 19.2-12.8 32-12.8h176c12.8 0 22.4 3.2 32 12.8 9.6 9.6 12.8 19.2 12.8 32v176z" p-id="34865"></path></svg>
    • 特点四图标: <svg t="1724745544580" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="40664" width="200" height="200"><path d="M822.857143 402.285714h-36.571429v-128a274.285714 274.285714 0 0 0-548.571428 0v128h-36.571429a109.714286 109.714286 0 0 0-109.714286 109.714286v91.428571a420.571429 420.571429 0 0 0 841.142858 0v-91.428571a109.714286 109.714286 0 0 0-109.714286-109.714286z m-475.428572-128a164.571429 164.571429 0 0 1 329.142858 0v128H347.428571z m201.142858 457.142857a36.571429 36.571429 0 0 1-73.142858 0v-146.285714a36.571429 36.571429 0 0 1 73.142858 0z" fill="" p-id="40665"></path></svg>
    • 特点一标题: Small Size and Minimal Footprint
    • 特点二标题: Excellent Waterproof Performance
    • 特点三标题: Simplified Structure and Easy Maintenance
    • 特点四标题: Strong Sealing Capability
    • 特点一介绍: The volume of the small-current KNY61 cabinet is 10.192 cubic meters, while the C-GIS volume is 3.1416 cubic meters, making the KYN61 cabinet 3.24 times larger than the C-GIS.
    • 特点二介绍: With an overall protection level of IP3X and a stainless steel gas tank protection level of IP67, The equipment can operate normally under low water levels The main components within the gas tank will not be damaged even at high water levels.
    • 特点三介绍: The new integrated design vacuum circuit breaker serves as the main switch, offering reliable performance and maintenance-free operation. The simplified structure reduces the number of moving parts.
    • 特点四介绍: Both the circuit breaker and copper bars are housed within a sealed gas chamber, enabling operation under high humidity (or condensation), high altitude, and polluted environmental conditions.

    The 35kV Gas-Insulated Switchgear (C-GIS) is a cabinet-type gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear device. Incorporating design concepts such as modularization and environmental protection, it utilizes a "circuit breaker + three-position isolating switch" as a standardized module unit and employs environmentally friendly gas as the insulating medium, offering distinct advantages in applicability, reliability, economy, and miniaturization. The product is resistant to external harsh environments such as salt spray, condensation, and pollution, and is widely used in key infrastructure construction projects with high power requirements, including high-rise buildings, highways, airports, railways, subways, and tunnels.


  • Technical Parameters

    Rated Voltage(kV)35
    Rated Current(A)1250~2500
    Rated Frequency(Hz)5000%
    Rated Short-Time Power Frequency Withstand Voltage (Phase-to-Phase, Phase-to-Ground, Circuit Breaker Break/Isolation Break) kV95、118
    Rated Lightning Impulse Withstand Voltage(Phase-to-Phase, Phase-to-Ground, Circuit Breaker Break/Isolation Break) kV185、215
    Short-Time Power Frequency Withstand Voltage for Auxiliary and Control Circuits kV2
    Rated Short-Time Withstand Current kA25、31.5
    Rated Short-Circuit Duration S4
    Rated Peak Withstand Current kA63、80

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